outdoor advice for east coast


Well-Known Member
keep it outside till she finishes budding all the cold is gunna do peak bud is turn her purple
Rob-does that look like its ready for 12/12 to start flowering yet? Im kind of in the same stage but deep south-still hot as hell here


Active Member
from the east i can say 5-6 weeks. but the day before the frost is the day she should clip her if it isnt raining. anyway as ussually happens in oct harvest time left till frost but dont be fooled by purple.95% of purple isnt good .usually (phosphorus deficientcy from the cold) is the reason it is purple but it will turn purple this time of year. but for east coast 43 parralell best uvb harvest time is july 15. if there is grass around the plant base rip it up so you wont get bud rot from the morning dew clear about 2feet and its good.


I grew 4 plants from seed all ended up female and I was totally not ready for that Cuz I have no clue what I should and shouldn't do so should I just leave them outside?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I disagree with tokesalot and Rob,,,,a lot...

Your in pots and that's going to help....
You can keep them outside just fine.....I do every year a few outdoors for my personal stash over the indoor that's always available from my other grows.
I keep mine out and move them under cover (small barn), even the big ones in 20gallon pots, when there will be a frost or late season heavy rain....

Even in the ground, plants can survive light frosts......you can also cover them with a "tailgate" tent and keep the frost off them.
The thing you need to watch is when it gets colder and the plants don't dry out fast enough to not mold......keep them as dry as you can the later it gets in the year......
I run mine right till the trich's "say" done.....This will happen fast so when they first begin to turn "amber" - plan on harvesting the next mourning or they will go to long!

As far as the purple from the temps thing goes.....so what! It's not making much difference in anything at all......We East coasters in the North don't have much choice but to deal with it as far as the temps go......and that plays far more on how the plant yields then the low P.......Use Silica to help regulate P uptake and have less "problem" with P anyway........

UVB and July have no real bearing on this either......Tell me who harvests in July outdoors? Your still getting UV radiation in October and it's doing it's magic just fine!

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Well-Known Member
I disagree with tokesalot and Rob,,,,a lot...

Your in pots and that's going to help....
You can keep them outside just fine.....I do every year a few outdoors for my personal stash over the indoor that's always available from my other grows.
I keep mine out and move them under cover (small barn), even the big ones in 20gallon pots, when there will be a frost or late season heavy rain....

Even in the ground, plants can survive light frosts......you can also cover them with a "tailgate" tent and keep the frost off them.
The thing you need to watch is when it gets colder and the plants don't dry out fast enough to not mold......keep them as dry as you can the later it gets in the year......
I run mine right till the trich's "say" done.....This will happen fast so when they first begin to turn "amber" - plan on harvesting the next mourning or they will go to long!

As far as the purple from the temps thing goes.....so what! It's no making much difference in anything at all......We East coasters in the North don't have much choice but to deal with it as far as the temps go......and that plays far more on how the plant yields then the low P.......Use Silica to help regulate P uptake and have less "problem" with P anyway........

UVB and July have no real bearing on this either......Tell me who harvests in July outdoors? Your still getting UV radiation in October and it's doing it's magic just fine!
So Im find just leaving mine outside? I mean its up around 90 probably for another month!! JUST NOW seeing pistils on my baby-had to rip one out cause the lady had balls!! So when the trichomes are amber, get to rippin?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
So Im find just leaving mine outside? I mean its up around 90 probably for another month!! JUST NOW seeing pistils on my baby-had to rip one out cause the lady had balls!! So when the trichomes are amber, get to rippin?
Dude, you have a L-O-N-G way to go yet.....any where from 7 -10 weeks......Be patient


Well-Known Member
Thats what I was thinking................November.................
If I was president there would be POT in every CHICKEN!!!!


Well-Known Member
This is your first grow the plants look good. I'm in michigan and mid october is the latest I've been able to keep them going. Any later it gets cold wet and moldy. You have about a month and a half left weather dependent, unless you can move them indoors.


I'm really excited to see what happens any thing I can do to make them better at this point? Feeding? Also I clone my tomatoes every year can I do these the same way root them in water? Lop


Well-Known Member
I'm really excited to see what happens any thing I can do to make them better at this point? Feeding? Also I clone my tomatoes every year can I do these the same way root them in water? Lop
something with a little p and k should help build flowers. Generally when a plant starts to flower its harder to clone it usually takes a couple weeks longer but never hurts to try though. Just keep in mind evey branch you chop off is one less bud. You can clone them similar to tomatoes but you will have better luck with a rooting hormone. I've been using aloe with good success in a root riot.
Clonex, root tech, olivias are all good when fresh. I recommend keeping rooting gels in the refrigerator because they can melt. A humidity dome does help, heat mats are fine as long as it doesn't get too hot 78 is the target temp for rooting. If you go with the water method use a bubbler like a fishtank pump and change the water every other day. I tried that once floating a plant on Styrofoam so the light doesn't get into the water (causes algae to grow). Another method I use is a home made hydro cloner made out of a five gallon bucket.

james murphy

Well-Known Member
been growin east coast a long time..that shit is way behind and will need to be cut by Halloween, as we all know 90% humidity and nights of 45 degrees is def. gonna make mold. so move some where u can keep her out of direct rain and pray it is an indian summer..my guess is u start takin by oct 5th..lol..i hope u get somethin for the work u put in. ..try Frisian Dew. be done by oct 1st in 3 gal pots


Well-Known Member
I disagree with tokesalot and Rob,,,,a lot...

Your in pots and that's going to help....
You can keep them outside just fine.....I do every year a few outdoors for my personal stash over the indoor that's always available from my other grows.
I keep mine out and move them under cover (small barn), even the big ones in 20gallon pots, when there will be a frost or late season heavy rain....

Even in the ground, plants can survive light frosts......you can also cover them with a "tailgate" tent and keep the frost off them.
The thing you need to watch is when it gets colder and the plants don't dry out fast enough to not mold......keep them as dry as you can the later it gets in the year......
I run mine right till the trich's "say" done.....This will happen fast so when they first begin to turn "amber" - plan on harvesting the next mourning or they will go to long!

As far as the purple from the temps thing goes.....so what! It's not making much difference in anything at all......We East coasters in the North don't have much choice but to deal with it as far as the temps go......and that plays far more on how the plant yields then the low P.......Use Silica to help regulate P uptake and have less "problem" with P anyway........

UVB and July have no real bearing on this either......Tell me who harvests in July outdoors? Your still getting UV radiation in October and it's doing it's magic just fine!

I'm in the same boat as Kimbawly. About 3 wks since the first sign of bud. wondering about newts for bud growth. advise would be welcome