outdoor AI / AK / SD 6-28-09 updates


Well-Known Member
this is my first year growing outdoor, well first year growing period so i cant wait to see how well i do :)

its a bit late in the year to start a journal but i figured you havent missed anything yet so now that things are getting interesting i should share

as of today there are 25 plants a mix of aurora indice, ak-48, sour diesel, and a few mango blueberry clones *that i didnt take pics of yet* all growing in a very wet marsh like area @ the base of a mountain. slugs are a huge problem, im taking them off the plants daily & deer will be another issue shortly that i hope to subdue

whats doing this to the plant?


Well-Known Member
The plants are look very healthy man keep up the good work. The only thing I can suggest is to maybe spray paint those buckets or at least cover up the bright orange color. That is going to stick out like a sore thumb from a far distance away


Well-Known Member
i covered some with burlap as you can see but i ran out. im trying a few plants out of buckets in the ground to see if they drown with as much water rolls through there i wouldnt be surprised. if all goes well then they will all be removed from the homer buckets


Well-Known Member
Is this a med grow?

Is there no air or foot traffic?

Plants look healthy...but damn...I don't see how you've kept them this long.


Well-Known Member
I sure hope it is a medi grow because those orange buckets are going to be an eye catching color in an all green area


Well-Known Member
Gnarly grow man. Keep up the good work. I noticed on one of the plants...it looks like mites may be attacking it. Better find a cure quick before they spread and wipe out your grow.


Well-Known Member
neem oil eh? i will go to town now and see if i can find some. any suggestions of places i might find it?

there is no foot traffic nor fly by's, i was pissed for weeks about those buckets... i tried to get buckets just about everywhere but home depot was the only place that had them. fuckin bright orange buckets for my illegal drugs, all right im still a little swore about it but for now it will have to do.

it will be nice if the couple i put in the ground do well, the rest will be put into the ground immediately.


Well-Known Member
It should be in the garden section. If they don't have the neem oil than you can get insecticidal soap. I have heard some good things about that stuff. And just use a little less than what the directions suggest to use just so that you can be sure not to burn your plants at all


Well-Known Member
cool, thanks guys.

ohh and before i head down there, i never added any perlite to the soil mixes because i was trying an organic grow and all i could find was miracle grow perlite. being worried about the miracle grow stuff i didnt pick any up but when i got these clones from a friend of a friend he was using what looked like the Miracle Grow perlite. is that stuff gunna be chemicaly or pretty safe for an organic grow?


Well-Known Member
It is going to have chemicals but if you flush out the perlite very well than you might be able to wash a good bit of the nutes off


Well-Known Member
You should be able to go to a nursery or garden center and pick up like a 4cu ft bag for around ten bucks. That MG shit is a PITA and expensive.


Well-Known Member
how long have those buckets been there? that orange color is a plead for attraction. paint the buckets or something. i got a good idea, if you could dril holes in the bottoms of the buckets, you may of already, then bury the bucket right up to the rim, them when you harvest leave them in the ground. the following year pull the buckets out put new soil in and repeat.


Well-Known Member
HD in this area doesnt have it or atleast the people on the phone were pricks but lowes happens to carry it. i checked all over the place for perlite, none of the nurseries had any for sale but HD and Lowes had the Miracle Grow crap


Well-Known Member
I mix the miracle grow perlite with canadian gold peat moss. I haven't had any negative effects doing this. The mg stuff is the only kind that I could find locally and I did not want to order online