outdoor auto supercritical/not flowering

gigel model

New Member

i am growing two supercritical autos outdoors. they're supposed to start flowering at 7 weeks. but it's been 7 weeks and they're am not showing any pistiles. otherise they are healthy and fairly tall. i am under some pressure to harvest as soon as possible since i'm moving in a few weeks.. can i induce flowering through light deprivation (24 hours) or switich them to a 12/12 cycle by moving them indoors at night? any suggestions would appreciated


Well-Known Member

i am growing two supercritical autos outdoors. they're supposed to start flowering at 7 weeks. but it's been 7 weeks and they're am not showing any pistiles. otherise they are healthy and fairly tall. i am under some pressure to harvest as soon as possible since i'm moving in a few weeks.. can i induce flowering through light deprivation (24 hours) or switich them to a 12/12 cycle by moving them indoors at night? any suggestions would appreciated
sometimes an auto just isn't an auto....I've had one do this last summer, so I used a bathroom with exhaust fan on as a dark room

but what is strange, with outdoor plants (auto or non-auto), I can get them to flower on 14/10, which allows for the max sunshine and works with my life schedule.

Captain Fap

Well-Known Member
There is no telling when a auto will actually flower unless you have done it before in a controlled setting. I've had a auto flower after 4 weeks, and seen some take up to 9 weeks. You should start counting after the the plant has left its seedling stage and entered its veg state. Autoflowering plants don't flower due to changes in light cycle, they flower when the plant has reached a genetic grow point.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
^^^^^ Or their lying bastards and its not a stable auto strain. Got 5 Northern lights auto's fro Crop King and at 7 weeks there just starting to show pistils. A true auto IMO should be done in 8 to 9 weeks or its a waste of time but thats just my opinion. Grown 3 auto's outdoors and all three have had issues re not true auto's or really crap smoke.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^ Or their lying bastards and its not a stable auto strain. Got 5 Northern lights auto's fro Crop King and at 7 weeks there just starting to show pistils. A true auto IMO should be done in 8 to 9 weeks or its a waste of time but thats just my opinion. Grown 3 auto's outdoors and all three have had issues re not true auto's or really crap smoke.
I've had issues with Crop King auto's not tripping...Early Miss and the Revolver have both required a dark room to trigger flower mode

Captain Fap

Well-Known Member
Yeah, might be bad genetics. Maybe try a different company. I grew a couple of fast and vast autos last year, two flowered as they should, one decided to flip at 4 weeks which really didn't upset me since it was my first grow and a early harvest is nice then lol.

Captain Fap

Well-Known Member
Same here, they were my first grow. After that I realised why am I wasting my time growing this and not just the real mc coy!

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Its a great concept for outdoors up here. Done before cold, wet, bud rot weather gets here, done before they start flying around. But if their shit why bother lol.

Captain Fap

Well-Known Member
True, never though about climate differences. We have early springs and long dryer summers were I'm at, I strictly do indoor because of location lol

gigel model

New Member
thanks all for the replies. yes, i think i got crap seeds from shayana. also, they enclosed some bonus mystery seeds which they said are the regular kind. but one of them started showing pistils at 5 weeks and is now budding. i'll maybe get 2-3 grams out of that plant. Bit late to try another company this year but can anybody recommend a company whose genetics work as advertised?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Not yet no lol. Grown three strains and so far issues with every one. And just so you are aware.......Pandora, looked great and great yield for a neglected outdoor plant. But it was bunk lol. Threw it in the oil bin. Crop King Northern lights, 8 week plant in its 12th week and yes it is starting to bud nicely but its week 12 lol. Mataro Blue, great smoke, great yield but had to turn to 12 to get it to bud. Its not an auto lol.