Outdoor Bagseed Grow


Well-Known Member
Nice Kush, looks like they are fattening up nicely. I tried to pm you back but your box is full man!! I wish i could have some outdoor plants. I'd love to grow some big ass bushes!!


Nice, mine areIMG_0004.JPG at about the same stage. Did you stop fert. yet? I stopped fert. about a week ago and I think it was to early. Could I start fert. back up or do you think I should just stay with straight water?


Well-Known Member
It looks like your plant is sativa dominant, I would let it go for 2 or 3 more weeks. I stop using fertz a week before harvest. I gave mine a healthy dose tonight, and thats it for the bush. I plan on taking it down in 8 or 9 days. My other 2 plants are about 2 weeks behind, so I will keep feeding for a while.
i grew with /bag seeds this year and ended up wit a 7ft and 4ft plants. the 4 ft is budding good but it doesnt smell i pulled my males so there isnt any seeds and i got a few trichs do yall think it will be good smoke


See, yours have alot more Trichs. on the hole leave, mine are just starting coming out on the leave, the ones real close to the bud are white no amber yet. Do you think I should start fert. again I stopped the fert. about 5 days ago because the trichs changed from clear to white,but it seems like they just stopped. Should I fert. again?


Well-Known Member
I would give them fertz for atleast another week...maybe 2. As for the trichs, I have had plants that look like sh*t until the last few weeks of flower. Just let them go as long as you can, and I guarantee you they will be twice as good as what you got them from! The big bush of mine doesnt have a strong smell at all, but Im sure it will produce some fine smoke! Anwway, just keep an eye out on the trichs...and when you see a vast majority of them amber..it should be good to go.


Well-Known Member
That was to "rollinking420".......anyway, here is a couple pics from today. The 2nd pic is from the taller plant.
mine look similar to them how much longer would you think before you harvest, Iam a 1st time grower and would like to get a general time line


Well-Known Member
I am going to cut down the bush in a few days, but the taller plant still has 2 weeks if not more. I had to cut off a couple small buds today from the taller plant, bud worms made motels out of them...bastards!! One good thing, where they chewed into the stem the nugget was totally dry so I got a sample! I must say, for a way premature bud..it tasted like candy :)


Well-Known Member
I cut down the bushier plant on Sat. because of hunters in the area. It looks like I ended up with over 5 ounces. I have it curing in jars for now, and WOW this plant tastes excellent!! The other 2 plants still have 2 weeks or so to go, here is a few pics..
"small plant"
"taller plant"