outdoor bud looks like its all seed pods (There are males growing in with the females


Well-Known Member
I recently found a bunch of grass all over the place. I can tell the difference between males and females, as I said I found em and didnt have a chance to pull the males in time. the buds look like they are just made of seed pods, there are crystals all over it and it stinks like high heaven. is that just how it grows outdoors or is it just bunk as hell? to clarify there are buds its just all it is is little pods? any ideas?


Well-Known Member
1) males growing with the females? well, there's your problem right there.

2) i second the motion: are these even yours? if not, go away and leave them alone.

Matt Rize

I recently found a bunch of grass all over the place. I can tell the difference between males and females, as I said I found em and didnt have a chance to pull the males in time. the buds look like they are just made of seed pods, there are crystals all over it and it stinks like high heaven. is that just how it grows outdoors or is it just bunk as hell? to clarify there are buds its just all it is is little pods? any ideas?
its hard to say. it could be someone's garden. if its all seeded you could make some kif or hash, or cook it into butter.
Yeah man, what are the circumstances here? How many plants? If that is someone else's grow, don't even go back to the location, unless its on your property or something. That location is potentially VERY dangerous. Seriously, don't go back. Its September and whoever planted them, could come back at anytime (possibly with guns).


Well-Known Member
unless it looks like it was scattered randomly by nature staggered arrangement some very close to eachother some far away, then that's likely a natural ditchweed grow.

but if it looks even /slightly/ like everything was planted in one place, you're treading on someone patch. possibly old patch...

if it looks all seeded you might as well make hash with it.. .you can do it by hand if you have the time... but like I said if this looks like it was planted by someone at any point you better just leave it alone....


New Member
Sounds like ditchweed to me

I have seen lots of ditch weed. Hell its growing just nextdoor

Its all seededpods and no buds. It is crystally though. I smoked it last year. Taste nasty but it did get me high. Not very much though but it did


Active Member
i found some weed growing wild a couple times years ago (yes, i am positive it was not somebody's grow) the first time, i tried harvesting a couple of the plants, but it was just not worth it. the "buds" were all seed and no bud. The buds were so small and wispy that i couldn't really pick the seeds out of them...instead i just dried the whole plant, crumbled it up, and separated the seeds with a playing card. it took me HOURS and i think i ended up with like a quarter ounce. it took about 2 joints to get a decent buzz, which, unfortunately, was the average yield per plant. would have been far better off just working for a couple hours and buying a bag of real weed, and that's pretty awful when you'd take a job over free pot.