Thats good data then. Thats what this thread needs more of. Cuz in reality one could grow this strain inside and one could grow another strain out side and there different strains so saying inside vs out side whats better is kinda bogus unless your talking same strain. just my thoughts anyway.yepyep….. Yep
Too right brother , I reckon the only advantage to ID is speed of growth. NE OZ is a nice climate & there's no dust in the rainforests.What about people who live in climates that are perfect for growing cannabis? You're telling me they can't produce high quality buds outside?
Lol. Your bias is obvious.
But please don't try to act like indoor automatically means better medicine. I know plenty of indoor growers whose grow rooms are far from optimized and their indoor buds couldn't compete with my worst outdoor. And i know plenty of back yard growers who take the time to fully care for their plants needs and short of testing you would never be able to tell their medicine was outdoor.
And as far as price, potency,yield, and bag appeal go greenhouse is superior to both methods.
Be friendly friend. Your a handsome young man. Carry yourself well, Good times.....Lol your a fool. Good job using jokes people have heard a million times. But ill gladly redo a pic for everyone being that picture is 3 years old. Blow me faggit
I agree.Exactly.
Yo simmer down there young fella….. You can't let people calling you out bother you to the point of going where you just took it. I love when I get a chance to prove others wrong, so take it as a positive challenge and try to take the high road bro.Lol your a fool. Good job using jokes people have heard a million times. But ill gladly redo a pic for everyone being that picture is 3 years old. Blow me faggit
Does this mean your an adult now?Lol your a fool. Good job using jokes people have heard a million times. But ill gladly redo a pic for everyone being that picture is 3 years old. Blow me faggit
Very interesting.....I must ask though.....If you put as much behind 1 small (say the same size as one of your personal indoor plants) outdoors as you do indoors. That means the same nutrition etc. etc. You will not produce a quality product on the same quality scale as the indoor?.......Ok.....I run shit loads of indoor to supply my business......Top shelf with screaming counts(Iron Labs testing)....Yet for my personal stash....I run 2 plants outdoors on my deck,,,,,same nutrition as indoors(organic - teas/top dressing, mostly water only).....gets rain , but moved for big storms...I do have to be much more aware of the bud maturity (amber trich's) vs indoor and it will mature faster then indoor......BUT, in the end, I get what I and a very, very few select patients feel as a better product in the buzz dept.!!!! Just as little to use/maybe even a tic less.....A tic more intense.......and lasts longer! The overall THC profiles come back as around .5 to 1.3 points higher on average AND the terp profiles can be vastly different strain dependent......View attachment 3388577 Ok so this isn't total indoor but its deps Greenhouse. Thats a green House that the light is manipulated to make it bud during spring or summer and gets almost the same quality as Indoor but not quite. I like it but my personal indoor still wins. But its a little better quality usually. All organic from Age Old and Molasses for carbs and Hygrozyme. Little alpaca poop organic and organic Teas and some bone and blood in the soil got these ladys pretty nice despite the 101F summer temps.
If you really know how organic beings function, you'd realize it DOES has chemicals in it. Like THC is a chemical compound.Yes they doatleast its chemical and bug free with several test in my name to prove it. they test EVERY batch of bud i give them, along with everyone elses. Some of us are doing this shit right.
in door og? what cut is that?