Outdoor Clay Soil Question


I am going to switch up my guerrilla grow tactics. instead of lugging 40lb bags of potting mix, this year ill be bringing portioned quantities of perlite, vermiculite, and garden lime. This allows me to deliver the medium to the site in one or two back pack loads...much better than awkwardly lugging 40lb bags of potting soil into the forest. the lime should allow me to water with nearby stream water without ph issues. the fertile soil in the flood plain has all the nutrients to grow and produce beautiful buds, however, the heavy clay soil must be amended to get the full potential of the plant. heres my plan: dig hole, break up dirt, line hole with trash-bag that's pierced for drainage, mix perlite, vermiculite, garden lime with dirt, plant hardened off seedling or clone. would this work? perhaps add guano, kelp meal, or green sand to the mix? any comments or critiquing welcome.


Well-Known Member
I don't see why it wouldn't work but you might want to use something other than trash bags so the roots can breathe. Smart pots would work or a potato sack would allow the roots to grow through it.


Well-Known Member
Uh . . . why any kind of lining? Just wondering. Sawdust works wonders keeping soil broken up/aerated/draining and is light. Takes a long time to break down completely and compact.


i love when i simplify my method and people are like..."no dude go simple-er". thanks yall. been doing WAY too much work all these years. the vermiculite will hold enough moisture to keep the soil moist even through a potential, predicted, mid-western drought. ill be fine as long as the lime doesn't wash away and keeps the ph in check. would some kind of buffer between the medium and ground be beneficial to the medium retaining lime all season? i can visit the site every couple weeks disguised as an adventurous fisherman. A heavy dose of spring water in a hole thats properly mulched would be PERFECTLY CONTENT for two weeks even here where summer is Hades. Oh yeah, and some 'yote piss to ensure the deer fuck plumb off. ;-)


Active Member
Haven't tried vermiculite myself but I would think with clay soil you might mix in coco chunks or peat for organic matter. dry clay soil would be compacted unless theres a lot of organic matter already. you could even amend the soil with compost or bark and leaves