Outdoor competition 08, discussion thread


Well-Known Member
ill pick 4 tomorrow tag em and send in the pics.Gotta go out to the patches and pick the best 4.good to know we can substitute the males at flower,my skunk special seeds should be in by monday or tue.but its just for fun and theyll spend alot of time indoors.PEACE:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Went out to get the pics and the 1st plant i walked up on has already flowered,female heres a pic.should i throw it back in veg or put it in the grow room and see what kind of massive cola she will produce.ill let yall decide.let me know.Since i know its a girl i can reveg and clone her.just invented a new clone machine wanted to clone of the 8 big buds to start the thread about the new design.Let me know and ill start the thread.



Well-Known Member
so just thought I'd update you all on my experience .. i went into ace hardware to get some bone and blood meal for soil .. and i ask the guy where it is and he was like it works ...... if i know would i think your growing .. i just started laughing and was like well thats good to here .. then he recommended also trying bat guano . so i am :) ... growers are everywhere! it's great!


Well-Known Member
damn gilfman, that is some funny shit. How is the rain coming along?
been gone for last 2 days .. hopefully it stays that way .. now its like 90 and sunny .. i got burnt today mowing my yard .. my plants soil is still wet its been about 50% RH so thats good .. my plants have really been lovin the sunshine too .. im happy now .. ill be getting my soil all put together next week so ill get some more pics after i get my plants moved up to my plot and get it all situated up there .. check out my journal if you havent


Well-Known Member
I cant wait to show you guys new pictures of my kahunas. They really love the new soil mix I transplanted them into. The two from the mix bag are still growing a bit slow, im going to transplant into the new soil mix soon as well.

Pictures on monday = )


Well-Known Member
ill get some pics up too early next week ... they should nearly be ready to plant by then so we'll see


Well-Known Member
lucky dogs, i peeked at them yesterday when it was pouring rain to see how they had been and while still vivaciously green, they haven't really gotten taller.it was real cloudy though and today there was a lot of sun shine so maybe they grew today? i'll take pics monday or tuesday