Outdoor competition 08


Well-Known Member
i got a little head start indoors...see my pics..I could enter the master kush(?), and mystery bagseed2(?) planted around may 1st., and also 2 white widows...they were planted in late march...but I think the kahunas are slightly disqualified.
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Well-Known Member
mine were germinated april 24th, outdoors from 7am to 9pm for 3 weeks just because i was still geting frost at night had to bring em in. No artificial light at all. Just wondering if they are able to be entered. they are about 8 inches.


Well-Known Member
there's an unfair advantage for people living in warmer climates, or really sunny high altitude. if you're in the north, or in a cloudy damp environment, you suffer a disadvantage...and the biggest is not always the best. different types grow differently...white rhino has more meat, but white widow packs more punch. it's all apples and oranges; but for fun, I'd like to join.

zealand green

Well-Known Member
Hey there....can i enter,
my plants we totally germed outside, a little slow to start with cause of cold moist condition but now they are away,
But i can only post every 2 weeks..is that cool?
check my photos.....and later on i will choose the 4 and then post them.
oh...and im on the other side of the world to most riu's im in europe!!


Well-Known Member
I wish I could grow outdoors this year but I can't. :(
I would have beat you. ;)
as much as I LUUUUUV ontario, I hate to say it, but without time indoors, you don't stand a chance, unless there's a set time limit...it doesn't freeze here...we have palm trees, and even the cloudiest days(all 4) see a few hrs. of sun. the only real drawback is having to water 8 months a year. the only better place I can think of would be something tropical, and high altitude...maybe the big island...but certainly NOT b.c.,or the netherlands!


Well-Known Member
haha, alright you can enter = )

Rules apply tho, only 4 of your plants, and they have to have been outdoors the whole time. Goodluck = ) lets see the pic's of the ones your entering.

outdoors the whole time? i can't start them inside? who starts beans outdoors?


Well-Known Member
Can i play too? first grow..

these were started indoors on april 1st.
master kush ans super skunk.

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New Member
i'm entering .. mine were germed inside and sprouted in but soon as they came up i moved them out .. is that cool? i was originally the 3rd one in this .. ill get some pics up of my plants im entering sometime .. hopefully today .. who knows .. you all have so much size on me already .. but i'm still in .. just now i wish i didnt start so dang late .. best of luck to my competitors .. except FDD .. it just isnt fair! ha jk but im placing my bet on him
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Active Member
Hey i wanna post my plant now, could someone guide me though uploading pics and putting em on this i have no clue how to


Active Member

This is my one plant im entering if thats ok. i started outside 28days ago and only been feeding it tap water scence then.

Dutch Ma5tar

Active Member
Uh oh.. I think I'm gonna have to enter this one! I got 10 papaya and 5 cheese, i'll put some pics up as they become available..


Well-Known Member
Hey there....can i enter,
my plants we totally germed outside, a little slow to start with cause of cold moist condition but now they are away,
But i can only post every 2 weeks..is that cool?
check my photos.....and later on i will choose the 4 and then post them.
oh...and im on the other side of the world to most riu's im in europe!!
yeah you can enter, every 2 weeks is fine. Its all for fun and games


Well-Known Member
i'm entering .. mine were germed inside and sprouted in but soon as they came up i moved them out .. is that cool? i was originally the 3rd one in this .. ill get some pics up of my plants im entering sometime .. hopefully today .. who knows .. you all have so much size on me already .. but i'm still in .. just now i wish i didnt start so dang late .. best of luck to my competitors .. except FDD .. it just isnt fair! ha jk but im placing my bet on him
yeah man no problem, as long as it wasnt over a week indoors. Best of luck to ya


Well-Known Member
there's an unfair advantage for people living in warmer climates, or really sunny high altitude. if you're in the north, or in a cloudy damp environment, you suffer a disadvantage...and the biggest is not always the best. different types grow differently...white rhino has more meat, but white widow packs more punch. it's all apples and oranges; but for fun, I'd like to join.
Yeah man like you said at the end, its all just for fun. Glad to have ya competeing = )