Outdoor Drying Locale

Any info would be appreciated. Has anyone ever used grain bins for drying? A spot to dry my crop is my biggest issue, for now.
Also, rippers suck. I've had three batches stollen, and one indoor that I destroyed due to Johnathan Law.



Active Member
sure as long as its free of grain or whatever you had in it before...I am assuming you're able to get inside and align everything up proper, right? Run string and hang branches on that...
sure as long as its free of grain or whatever you had in it before...I am assuming you're able to get inside and align everything up proper, right? Run string and hang branches on that...
Right, nothing would be in there but what I put in there. My concern is air circulation. I'm starting at the final step (except for getting the finished product home) and working backwards as I prepare for next spring.

Thanks for the information, and if anyone has experience (positive or negative) with using grain bins please comment. Good luck to all as they reach the finish line!!:peace:


Active Member
You don't need alot of heat, 75*F is perfect, other than that make sure you have a fan circulating the air, and its kept dark.
You don't need alot of heat, 75*F is perfect, other than that make sure you have a fan circulating the air, and its kept dark.
Unfortunately, heat is going to be lacking at 45 degrees N latitude, and a fan....it's a grain bin, no electricity. Looking for an early finisher and no-autoflower. Open and airy, but in the middle of nowhere. I'll have to take my chances with the heat. Landowner is cool with the plans and has agreed to let me use the bins as long as it's gone by the time the corn comes down. This is my biggest obstacle. I'm going to have a couple of different locations in case one gets ripped, which has happened to me twice before. No worries, it hurts your karma to rip someone's plants. When your plants get ripped, just move on and forget about hatred. It's all about a collective, and even if you get jacked, someone else will take care of you in the end. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I tried drying bud in my buddies garage and it gets cold as fuck at night, after 4 days it was still wet, the shit i dried at my house was ready in 4, outdoor drying is fuckin shit unless u can control temperature
I tried drying bud in my buddies garage and it gets cold as fuck at night, after 4 days it was still wet, the shit i dried at my house was ready in 4, outdoor drying is fuckin shit unless u can control temperature
I don't know if drying in four days is a good thing either, that seems a little fast but I could be wrong. My hydro normally took a week in a basement with two fans, and typically they were still wet after 4 days. But everyone is different, and I could have been doing something wrong. Hell, for the first 7 months all I did was kill plants, so what the hell do I know? Got 2 lbs out of a 4' x 4' space, so I must have figured it out...
Yes. Mother nature is a mad scientist. Weather has been nuts in this part of the world, 70's all last month, then October hit and we're not out of the 40's. Can't wait to start prepping the soil. Anyone have any thoughts on using pond water??? :peace: