Outdoor drying...WHO'S TRIED IT???


Active Member
whats up guys:joint:? This is my 1st grow and I am a little confused about harvesting. I know you are supposed 2 hang up ur girls up about 7 days or until they dry. The only problem is I stay with someone who doesnt have a clue about my green thumb:hump: so i dont know where 2 dry my buds:confused:. I thought about taking a branch at a time and drying it in my room but I'm worried someone will smell it or stumble across is going thru my room. so I was thinking either a box or jus let it dry on the roof. anyone got any suggestions please let me know i'm begging kiss-ass lol but in the mean time thanx for the help!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well, back when i was a young stupid teenager (15) my dad had 2 massive plants outside, soo i took a few branches and tried to dry them outside, i left them out over night. annd well the next day they were absolutely covered in mold. and i mean COVERED. lets just say i didnt get much. im not really sure what to do in your position. i have a hollowed out dresser i use to hang mine. good luck.


I'm sorta in the same situation as you. If you can set up a tent deep in the woods and hook up a fan to a battery maybe check on it every 3days. And put some damp tramps in the tent, that might do it. Im just gonna get a big tupperware bin and put decissant underneath the drying bud and shove it deep in my closet with maybe a little fan inside.


It depends largely on where you are geographically. I can dry outside where I live because around the usual harvest time the humidity and temperature drops a bit and can just hang them in a shady part of the woods to dry. I wouldn't recommend drying putdoors if its very humid where you live, that's when you encounter mold issues :neutral:


Also sunlight is apparently not good for weed, , read somewhere about thc degradation in sunlight .... dry - dark - moving air - low humidity - etc.


Active Member
try just getting a few shoe-boxes lined with news paper, and lay them in there, some boxes in ur closet or something could work no? or have them dry at a reliable friend's place, tho its hard to f ind a friend thaat reliable.