Outdoor eradicated by police!


Well-Known Member
Two police officers came over to my home because they got an anonymous tip of illegal growing my backyard. (which is totally not true, completely ligite! three of us are collectively growing) So I took them back there to let them see that limits are being followed, they checked out the scripts and all of the sudden asked if the other patients live with me and do I feed them food and provide safety for them? Then started to qoute a new pennacode that I never heard of stating that they had to live with me! This shocked me since I know the law, they denied me access to call the patients and told me to rip them out or get a felony! So I did and I'm pretty sure theyre gonna get a law suit for this, everything was illegal from them stating false pc's and threatening me and come to find out the report only states property found! There's nothing stating cultivation or anything! Crazy...any tips on civil lawyers who specialize in cannabis cases? (n.Cali) I have talked to ASA and three other medical cannabis lawyers and they all say we have a law suit on our hands...Happened in Shasta County


Well-Known Member
yeah all 30 it was heartbreaking. The felony threat is what made me to be shot down emotonial wise! I was intimidated.


Well-Known Member
yeah all 30 it was heartbreaking. The felony threat is what made me to be shot down emotonial wise! I was intimidated.
You should have made them pull the plants. I bet there is a reason behind them making YOU pull the plants??????


Well-Known Member
Who tipped the authorities off...With a grow operation that big I think I would have made sure there was "No WAY" anyone knew what I was doing on my property to avoid the situation altogether.....better luck next time.
As for your plants...R.I.P.
As for a lawsuit.....really, is that what you want? Think about it...move on a wiser person.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
was anyone with you ? if it comes down to your word aginst the cops...... we were invited in shown the crop and this wack job pulls them all out so we left


Well-Known Member
man I would have been yelling at the top of my lungs at those pigs. I know my rights.

what they told you is totally wrong. people who are being caregiven for only need to show up every day, check in from time to time. it is NOT necessary that they live there.

you better fuckin fight this in court or I'll be pissed FOR you.


Well-Known Member
man I would have been yelling at the top of my lungs at those pigs. I know my rights.

what they told you is totally wrong. people who are being caregiven for only need to show up every day, check in from time to time. it is NOT necessary that they live there.

you better fuckin fight this in court or I'll be pissed FOR you.
They need to show up every day? If that's the law I'd sure keep a log of their visits with the date, their names and signatures. Pretty simple matter to do a month or so in advance.


Well-Known Member
Same thing happend to my friend.They said if everyone doesnt live on property he can get a felony.They gave him one day to get


Well-Known Member
I believe the law reads like this...
For someone to be considered a "caregiver" you must be responsible for that persons everyday needs,(ie..feeding, clothing, bathing, kind of what you would do for a young child in your home).
The law was re-written in 2003 with SB420. In the past you could grow under the "caregiver" label, not any more, unless you grow under the above described conditions..
I feel for you and your partners, to put so much love and care into something, then to have them ripped out by the man just pushing his weight around,.....fucken sucks!

Good Luck-

p.s. I can see them making you remove plants to "your limit" (6), but to make you pull your 6 too? Fuck Them Pigs!


New Member
The reply to the police should be......

I was unaware of this new law/ordinance.
I need to speak with my attorney before I proceed further.
Pick up cellphone and hit the speed dial. (always have a lawyer's number in ur speed dial. Line ur lawyer up first, you may never need them, but like a boy scout...be prepared).
If the cops don't immediately back off, they believe themselves to be truly correct.


Well-Known Member
The reply to the police should be......

I was unaware of this new law/ordinance.
I need to speak with my attorney before I proceed further.
Pick up cellphone and hit the speed dial. (always have a lawyer's number in ur speed dial. Line ur lawyer up first, you may never need them, but like a boy scout...be prepared).
If the cops don't immediately back off, they believe themselves to be truly correct.
good advice man . . .


Well-Known Member
Not to sure about Cali but in Oregon there is no inspection laws for MM growers. If they do not have a warrent then send them on there way. Never show them your garden.

Never open the door or screen door. When you open the door the police can enter your home. Once they are into your home all the laws change. (they smelled something,They thought they saw something,things like this) When they come to your door you should lock your door and step outside. Make sure you have a copy of your papers hiddin on your front porch. Show them your papers and refuse inspections. Again in Oregon there is no inspection laws at all. Zero, If the cops do not have a warrent send them on there way. DO NOT INVITE THEM INTO YOUR HOME. If you do then they have the right to go right to your garden regardless of what you say.

Show them your papers on your front porch and refuse any further questions.

What are the inspection laws in Cali?


New Member
Now you just KNOW if the cops had to pay you off on the value of what they destroyed, the police would be screaming that they were only small plants.
What would be a terrific irony is if the courts made the police use the very same "cop" math when they take a grow down, where a 6 inch plant is extrapolated out to "potential" sales worth.

Cop math working in your favor might give you enough to actually retire!! :lol:

Cop math...... the two words are an insult to each other.


New Member
Lol. That sucks man. As for the oregon comment.... I show cops my room like every week lol. There is no inspection but I keep getting "odor complaints" so I let tehm in show them I have a carbon scrubber and am doing all I can to keep it scentless they say "ok thank you" and leave... And this is the tigard police the same ones entrapping people to catch them with 1,7 grams. Know ur rights keep ur lawyer on speed dial and remember ur house ur rules. I make them play my game wheb they're in my house