Outdoor finishing problem, nute burn and maybe something else? plz help!!!


Active Member
hey all i've been growing for about a year now, i made mothers from seed, used them to make lots of clones to support my grow and buy new supplies, one of these mothers i have put outside a few months back. it was well rooted in a 5 gal bucket and doing great. i transplanted it about a month ago into some 50 / 50 of clay / potting mix (without time release ferts.) . as it has been flowering it has been doing great made lots of pistils everywhere stayed pretty green and continued to flower great. it has been in the ground about a month now and i havent been checking the ph of the soil, however the ph of the water i give it i try to keep around 6.5. anyways it could be because its later in flower but a lot of the leaves have been turning yellow and dying (mostly ones that are lower and not getting a lot of light). but recently (like the last 2 days) i have noticed that some of the buds on the top are drying up and crumbling and dying, by buds i mean they are mostly still balls of pistils and barely beginning to start expanding into flowers. anyways this is of great concern to me and im not sure whats causing it so im looking for some advice. could it maybe be nute burn?? i water with gh flora series "flower formula" every other day and reg tap water every other day. we have had some intense heat here in southern cali the last week (temps 90 - 105) or so so maybe heat stress, but all my other plants outside, even the same strain have no signs of these problems. also there was a sprinkler near it that would spray water later in the day and hit the plant so maybe some kind've bud rot, again the other plants are a little further behind but they get water from sprinklers and havent had the problems??? although it gets hot really fast during the day and the problem spots are in full sunlight during the day so i dont know about rot?? But there is nothing visibly wrong with the flower parts that are dying besides the fact that they have shriveled up a tiny bit and easily crumble apart when touched, not the entire flower but id say like 25% of the cola (per each cola that is effected, which has been like 3 so far). i turned off the sprinkler now, and i am thinkin about getting a light defusing plastic to run over the top of the plant. i am also going to flush the plant tomorrow with many gallons of water and some flora kleen solution as directed.

so what im asking is does anyone have any idea what my problem is and what else i can do to stop it.

again i have only been growing for a year now but i have had a succesfull finish outdoor before and my other plants seem to be thriving besides this one. one more thing the bottom branches of the plant that get little light are much more mature that the top cola's. they have fully flowered buds on them, i dont know if this attributes to the problem or not but im trying to provide all the info i can, so its easier for someone to give me some advice. thanks everyone for looking ill try to attach more pics tomorrow of the problem but its getting late, here is a pic from about a week ago tho.

here is a pic of the other plants (same strain that are being subjected to pretty much exactly the same thing as the problem plant but not having problems)


thanks in advance everyone and plz plz plz help!!!!


From what i hear its normal for leaves to turn yellow late into flowering. But just incase, lay back a little on the nutes


Active Member
Would now ( maybe 3 weeks into flowering) be considered late? I have heard this strain can go 10 weeks ! She was big and beautiful a week ago. I`m not nuting, well molasses and a ridiculously small amout of koolbloom. Could it be those? I`m done with everything for a few days for sure.


Active Member
i havent used any top boosters, i am using gh nutes so Kool Bloom powder is what i need to get, does it really make much of a difference? i can afford the $40 dollars but im outdoor and i wasnt sure if it would make much of a difference out there.

as to my plant problems - they seem to be stabilizing after i flushed for 3 days and used flora kleen 1 day. mostly damaged underneath parts of the plant that get little light, some of the buds turned brown and died, but only in the middle of the plant where there was no light. also some of the lower buds were a lot more mature (due to bringing my plant outside then back inside then back outside) so i trimmed off some bud off the lower branches and dried it. it smokes pretty good, im waiting for the cure to finish to give it its flavor and smell. the rest of the plant however looks about 3-4 weeks away from finish the colas are covered in pistils and they are finally starting to swell. as to what is attacking my big plant, im still not sure im thinking a bird or a large grasshopper has destroyed a few buds here and there but i havent seen any more damage in the last few days. whatever it is it chops thru all the way to and through the stem leaving little sections of my cola to dry up and die.

o and btw i have 2 white widows and they are perfect green -only about 2' tall about 4 weeks into flower. but i have a feeling they will start to yellow like yours sooner or later they kinda got a late start. i am pretty sure its just the finishing of the plant using up stored nutrients.

thanks for your posts guys :) a little depressing no one answering for weeks.


Active Member
i havent used any top boosters, i am using gh nutes so Kool Bloom powder is what i need to get, does it really make much of a difference? i can afford the $40 dollars but im outdoor and i wasnt sure if it would make much of a difference out there.

as to my plant problems - they seem to be stabilizing after i flushed for 3 days and used flora kleen 1 day. mostly damaged underneath parts of the plant that get little light, some of the buds turned brown and died, but only in the middle of the plant where there was no light. also some of the lower buds were a lot more mature (due to bringing my plant outside then back inside then back outside) so i trimmed off some bud off the lower branches and dried it. it smokes pretty good, im waiting for the cure to finish to give it its flavor and smell. the rest of the plant however looks about 3-4 weeks away from finish the colas are covered in pistils and they are finally starting to swell. as to what is attacking my big plant, im still not sure im thinking a bird or a large grasshopper has destroyed a few buds here and there but i havent seen any more damage in the last few days. whatever it is it chops thru all the way to and through the stem leaving little sections of my cola to dry up and die.

o and btw i have 2 white widows and they are perfect green -only about 2' tall about 4 weeks into flower. but i have a feeling they will start to yellow like yours sooner or later they kinda got a late start. i am pretty sure its just the finishing of the plant using up stored nutrients.

thanks for your posts guys :) a little depressing no one answering for weeks.

Glad to hear you figured it out and have it under control. I have to say I am really suprised by what I found. I`m using Koolbloom at less than the recommended doses and that is what is causing the leaves to yellow. I had been dosing a little under 1/4 teaspoon per gallon and the next day I noticed alot of the larger leaves going yellow. I waited a few days and they started back to green. I dosed it again and the same thing the next day more yellow leaves . I waited 3 more days and back to green. I have no idea if it`s making the buds bigger as this is my first outdoor grow and I have no idea about the strains and how they should finish. I suspect the Koolbloom is definately affecting the plant and causing it to flower more than usual. I`m happy the plants aren`t dying and hopefully I`ll get a good yield and will have learned something for next year. I`ll post some pics tomorrow and if it`s any help I will document exactly how big the yield was with pics of all the plants so people know approx size to yield ratio.


Active Member
right on man, i dont know if you really need to document it for my knowledge i can just use the search engine i mean theres a lot of info out there. but definitely document it for yourself so you can learn what worked and what worked better that way you dont forget haha i know i forget things sometimes. anyways in my original post at the top i had said that something was eating my buds. well i met another person in my area with the same problems, did a few searches and figured out that its actually worms/caterpilalr type things and i found a good product to kill them without causing any problems with my plants or even benificial bugs. its called THURICIDE Concentrate and i ordered it a couple days ago, although i havent seen any damage on my plants in a couple weeks now. it will nice to have it incase the problem returns tho, plus i can help out this other guy i know. i read and read and read before i started growing and watched some videos but they just dont tell you, there is NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXPERIENCE. good luck to you man ill post some of my ww pics plus some pics of my other bud plants pretty soon. they are all doing very nice and the buds are starting to swell a little now, time to go buy a new mini microscope. i am not really sure to harvest when 80% trich's are amber on the plant or just the buds?? cuz i can see with my naked eye that quite a lot of the trichs on my leaves around my bud are nice and amber but not the trichs on the bud itself, they are still quite clear and the plant has atleast 3 weeks left im sure. so im guessing that i should harvest when the trichs on the bud itself turn amber. if you've got any info on that please feel free to pass it along. look forward to seeing your pics bud. thanks and good luck to ya.

o ya and by the way i started adding koolbloom powder to my rez and hoping for good results lol. i have been experiencing much more yellowing in leaves so i try to give it nutes less often (like 1 of every 3 days rather than every other day.) it seems to be slowing the yellowing, this guy i met wasnt using any nutes and his plants were green as fuck!! couldnt believe it so i have been cutting back on my nutes outdoor quite a bit.


Active Member
right on man, i dont know if you really need to document it for my knowledge i can just use the search engine i mean theres a lot of info out there. but definitely document it for yourself so you can learn what worked and what worked better that way you dont forget haha i know i forget things sometimes. anyways in my original post at the top i had said that something was eating my buds. well i met another person in my area with the same problems, did a few searches and figured out that its actually worms/caterpilalr type things and i found a good product to kill them without causing any problems with my plants or even benificial bugs. its called THURICIDE Concentrate and i ordered it a couple days ago, although i havent seen any damage on my plants in a couple weeks now. it will nice to have it incase the problem returns tho, plus i can help out this other guy i know. i read and read and read before i started growing and watched some videos but they just dont tell you, there is NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXPERIENCE. good luck to you man ill post some of my ww pics plus some pics of my other bud plants pretty soon. they are all doing very nice and the buds are starting to swell a little now, time to go buy a new mini microscope. i am not really sure to harvest when 80% trich's are amber on the plant or just the buds?? cuz i can see with my naked eye that quite a lot of the trichs on my leaves around my bud are nice and amber but not the trichs on the bud itself, they are still quite clear and the plant has atleast 3 weeks left im sure. so im guessing that i should harvest when the trichs on the bud itself turn amber. if you've got any info on that please feel free to pass it along. look forward to seeing your pics bud. thanks and good luck to ya.

o ya and by the way i started adding koolbloom powder to my rez and hoping for good results lol. i have been experiencing much more yellowing in leaves so i try to give it nutes less often (like 1 of every 3 days rather than every other day.) it seems to be slowing the yellowing, this guy i met wasnt using any nutes and his plants were green as fuck!! couldnt believe it so i have been cutting back on my nutes outdoor quite a bit.
Well thanks for the heads up on Thuricide, gonna get me some of that just in case. I didn`t mean to sound like I was gonna post the yield to size ratio for you ( you look and sound like you know what your doing) I have had a hard time finding some post that showed a plant just before harvest and then said how much the plant yielded. I figure maybe someone else could use it as a reference cause I know I`d luv to have a pic and approx yield right now....that way I`d know what this garden is going to give back.

Here are the pics of the whole garden. First is the bud from the Hindu, the Hindu skunk, then the hawaiian haze ( grows along the ground) weird shit, the whole garden, and the White Widow . They are all doing pretty good , I guess and I figure they have maybe 4 weeks to go? I`m in NorCal north and they have been flowering since early August.

I was only using the koolboom at slightly diluted full strength once a week ( half strength 2x week) and it yellowed everything lol. You got it right, go easy on that shit. My neighbor tells me the soil is everything when it comes to plants finishing green or finishing yellow. His plants are still totally green and yet have huge buds. Next year is gonna be sooo much better. He nutes them once at middle of flower and thats it. His plants are big and beautiful so as far as I`m concerned I`m gonna do exactly what he does! I hadn`t met him before I posted , but know I have a great resource for everything.

According to everything I have read and practical knowledge from my indoor grow, you should harvest early, middle or late depending on what kind of high you want. Harvest when most of the trichomes are clear and some are milky for a cerebral soaring high. Pure Sativa are good for this timing. Harvest when half the trichs are milky( some amber, some clear) for absolute peak ripeness. Harvest when the majority of trichs are amber for a body stone, couchlock type high. Great for pure Indicas , or Indica dominant strains. I plagiarised all of that from Jorge Cervantes Marijuana Horticulture Bible. Well worth investing $20 for all the knowledge you will reap! Good luck with the grow and I`ll look forward to your pics.

