outdoor FL grow 2012

nothing i said is false, every plant is different. one plant has nothing to do with millions of other hybrid plants and strains.

*the plants look healthy they dont look like the need more nitrogen. i recomend you keep doing whatever your doing. because i have seen the three bladed leaves and singles from topping before. so i dont know how your going to tell me im false just because of your one plant. that you "seen" and didnt even grow.
and i have burnt the shit out of my plants before giving them more shit when they looked fine. sometimes less is more.
I'm just speaking my opinion from my experiences.. I've never crossed a plant that continues to spit out 1's and 3's. I agree it doesn't need nitrogen, but it could use less water, unless it had just rained when these pictures were taken explaining the excessive moisture.
i was just saying maybe i think they look fine to but they look a bit to old to still be shotting up 1, 2, and 3 blades , should be getting 5 blades with that big of a plant? i would say more sun if its possable
imo, on that plant with 2 and 3 blade leaves give it some more sun and maybe more nitrogen if youre comfortable doing so, if you think there fine then thats okay to, regardless they look good :)
well thanks for all the replies and tips everyone, we just had that tropical storm come through so we did get alot of rain,my whole yard was pretty much under water and the pictures i took before were during a rain im pretty sure,but the weather has been pretty dry lately. ive been feeding them fertilizer with a 15-30-15 mix and ive been feeding it to them every weekend, oh and the spot where i said i had 2 plants is now just one because one of them turned male so i dont have to worry about space there anymore. And another thing on my biggest plant ive been topping about once a week do you think there is a point where i need to calm down with the topping or should i keep doing it until i see it start to flower?
ya lol it was pretty bad, how much rain did you get in your area? Some people over here had to take canoes just to get to their houses
nitrogen keeps the plants green and healthy growth. but wont affect the number of fingers on a leaf. the plant shoots out the singles usually after being topped or cloned or stunted in some way. and the plant will either gradually get all its leaves back or continue to throw out 3's and 1's
Also pretty wrong. To the OP, your plant is having blade issues because it is going back to veg mode after it thought it was going to start flowering.