Outdoor grow 2009 Kaya & PPP


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Still Flowering DankantorNorCal, although a bug got to one of my branches on the Kaya and it fell off, so I stuck it on wall with a thumb tack just to get a taste. It was finally dry this morning so I trimmed and Ground me up a bowl, little harsh as expected since it hasnt been flused or anything and just got dry, but it works nice to be soooo young. This was my wake n bake so I feel her power just a bit. Crystal Covered buds too, kaya has stayed low and fat for me but I topped twice, so far I like the Kaya Golds.
Will update pics today. not to much has changed though lol.
Marijuana Toker
Marijuana Toker

Marijuana Toker
Marijuana Toker


Well-Known Member
Awesome grow man, how much are you expecting/hoping to get? Have you ever smoked either strain yet? If so how were they? Those triple p's are lookin' crazy, i'v never followed an outdoor grow so outta curiosity how are you gonna chop em' and get them to your house to dry/cure?


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Ive only smoked a bowl of the kaya because a branch tip broke, so I dried and smoked, to early to tell much about taste but it functioned pretty nice.
I generally do selective cropping, "not sure if thats what its called but its what I call it" I watch the trichs on my girl and if a couple branches look ready Ill cut just the ready branches.
the others will get more light and fatten up and be ready soon after.
I usually carry a garbage bag and just put the cuttins inside, give it a spin and tie, home isnt far for me.
The triple P's are taller than 2 of me. lol
Im lookin forward to around 4 or 5 elbows give or take an oz. I guess we will see.
It will be enough to last me until after Bonnaroo 10. I HOPE.


Active Member
how long u being growing the kaya for im probaly gunna let mine grow all winter and harvest in early summer.... because r winters barely seem like winter and barely get down to 60-70, most winter temp here is 70-80


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Its been going around 5 months. I topped twice at 5th and 7 nodes so she stayed short n bushy, she could have gotten tall though, an aggresive grower.
Id say Kaya will do damn good if that as cold as it gets, im getting mid to high 70's at night right now.

Rainy season has started here, like always, about when the buds are starting good. just gives me one more thing to
worry about constantly lol. I hope she is good and mold resistant. We will see.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Kaya Gold has been VERY NON-Mold Resistant, the last couple of days here
have been nothing but rain no wind and little sun,
A yearly thing that im used to .
But not with kaya this shit is molding on the plant by the day,
Beautiful Crystal covered buds just slowly molding.
I trimmed a big amount of the fan leaves yesterday so it should have more
air flow now and maybe stop this molding shit.
I have been picking the little mold spots off as I find them so the dont spread, I will take pics morrow to update.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Looking pretty damn good im looking forward to see how the ppp turns out because ive been interested in that strain for awhile. Sorry to hear about the mold my suggestion is go get some liquid copper concentrate stuff takes out practically every single type of fungus/mold problem you can get. I've used it for vegetables only because thats all ive needed but heard it works great for molding over bud...both during growth and drying/curing. Picked up a bottle of concentrate for around 7 bucks at home depot and you dissolve it in water and then spray on plants. Whole bottle probably makes around 100 gallons of spray, for 7 bucks a very worthwhile investment if you ask me. Good luck on the rest of your grow


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
The PPP are sooo F'n tall, like 13' now.
I just spotted a few hairs on one of them 2 days ago on an upper branch, still waiting.

I have cut two clones from one of my PPPlants and so far they are doing good.
Im gonna wait til they root good, pot 'em up and put 'em on 12/12 in my box just to see what they make.
But as I can see they get waaay to tall for my current indoor situation but its all an experiment so I can chop and lst and make her fit. Maybe, if she happens to die Ill plant a Short rider and start over.

Outdoors couldnt be any better for me, if it was only 12 months long.
I am currently putting my winter selection together with hopes of just a decent outcome.

I will take pics today if I can member to get some batteries for my camera, been forgetting all week.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
I cut two branches off the kaya gold 2 days ago and have the nugs drying in a box.

They look and smell wonderful, covored in trichs and a stout sour kinda smell.

I cant wait to fill my bowl this afternoon, a couple nugs were close to dry this morning but I chose to wait.

I am unhappy with my current mold problem, it is going to force me to harvest earlier than I want because of the rain outlook but id rather harvest a week early than loose another ounce of bud to mold.

But other than the mold issue Nirvana Kaya Gold Feminized is a short fast flowering strain with a wonderful smell and sparkling buds. I plan to order at least 5 more of these ladies for next year outdoors.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
The ppp in the last pics I took turned out MALE yesterday, It went from Hero to Zero in a day.

I hope I got it out in time.

Total lenght was right at 13' 7" when i had his ass cut and on the ground.

So one of my Feminized Pure Power Plants from Nirvana has turned out male.

Cant win 'em all


Well-Known Member
just bought some kaya gutted about the mold if i knew that i might have bought ams from greenhouse or nirvanas swiss cheese so dont know to plant them next year or not any advice bro?

p.s the ppp did look quality shame it was a male


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Oh dont let my mold problem scare ya, it has not bothered me enough to hinder me from ordering Kaya Gold next yr.

It grew sooo thick with soo many leaves that when it rained for a week or so strait here it had no ventalation and had to mold.

I should have thinned it before hand and may not have ever had a mold problem.