Outdoor grow 2012. Nor Cal.


Active Member
First Outdoor Grow. North California. Many different strains. Blue dream, White Widow, B.M.R, Super Kush,O.G. Kush, Life saver, Cheese Quake etc.... : NUTES are MAXSEA GROW 16-16-16 feed 2wice a week. and epson salts for MG. There are 20 plants in ground, 5 in 65 gallon smart pots and 15 in in 30 gallon smart pots. 2012-05-28 13.52.51.jpg2012-05-28 13.53.01.jpg2012-06-03 16.52.09.jpg2012-06-03 16.57.18.jpg2012-06-04 16.22.46.jpg2012-06-03 16.58.05.jpg2012-06-03 16.57.38.jpg


Active Member
Having some crazy leaf curl on about 7 of the plants. I have not over watered and my ph is at 6.5 at the run off. anyone have an idea of what might be causing the curl and twisted growth? I am using Maxsea grow 16-16-16.2012-06-16 09.30.07.jpg2012-06-16 09.29.05.jpg2012-06-16 09.28.48.jpg2012-06-16 09.28.26.jpg2012-06-16 09.27.50.jpg2012-06-16 09.27.22.jpg

shynee mac

Well-Known Member
Having some crazy leaf curl on about 7 of the plants. I have not over watered and my ph is at 6.5 at the run off. anyone have an idea of what might be causing the curl and twisted growth? I am using Maxsea grow 16-16-16.View attachment 2219634View attachment 2219635View attachment 2219636View attachment 2219637View attachment 2219638View attachment 2219639
dont worry about it probably a little heat stress my bubba kush plant was doing the same when i first put her out, the curled up leaves will most likely fall off and the plant should continue to grow normally


Active Member
Thx man. for the most part the plants are doing great. This weather here has been hella crazy from cold and wet to hot as hell in a matter of a day. shit cant be good lol. I was also thinking heat stress but I like to hear what others say as well. thx guys.


Active Member
Here are a few pics of the ladies coming back from a nitrogine def. let me know what you guys think. Im in ground, 65 gallon S.P and 30 gallon S.P. Nutrients Maxsea 16-16-16 and epson salts for mg. 2012-06-19 20.03.11.jpg2012-06-19 20.05.06.jpg2012-06-19 20.04.53.jpg2012-06-19 20.04.33.jpg2012-06-19 20.04.06.jpg2012-06-19 20.03.33.jpg


Well-Known Member
OP what kind of soil are these plants in? What did you add to the soil before transplanting into it? Good Luck alot of plants for so little experience.


Active Member
Thx stoner. And dirrtyd Im using ocean forest for the most part but at the end ran out of dirt. so topped em off with a buddies mix. I know he uses bat guano, steer shit, earthworm castings and regular potting soil. I am growing for a few other 215 patients that cant grow for themselves etc...Its alot but I think I'm up for it. any advice would be awsome though THANKS GUYS!!!


Well-Known Member
So it sounds like to me your soil is running low on nutrients at the moment. Thats why you probably had issues. So my next question what are you doing as far as topdressing your plants. How often do you water? Also what are you trying to achieve dout of this grow? keepem green dirrtyd


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. I have started them on a feeding regiment of Maxsea 16-16-16 with a tiny bit of epson salts for the mg. I feed monday then water with P.hd water of 6.8( I read somewhere that there greatest nutrient intake is at 6.7-7.0?).throughout the week. Then friday i Feed again with a mild solution. as for a top dressing just to give it a little extra Nitrogin i put half scoop of High nitro bat Guanno. I only do that once every week if needed. I was running into P.H. problems until I bought a P.H. meter. I was running at like 7.7 7.8. that was about 3 weeks ago.since then they have been flushed and P.Hd properly I believe. What I look to get out of this grow is the experience and know how. and of course to supply myself and my fellow Marine Corps Vets with there medication. I am a California prop 215 patient. But if you have any suggestions please feel free to share. Thanks


Well-Known Member
So it has been a week how are the plants? Seems like we have alot in common semper fidelis. Read my thread in the organics section alot of good info. I dont ph nothing at all for my grow. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Water them with Hygrozyme. Shit is bonkers how well it works. Explosive root growth. Eats all the dead root mass. Peep game!

water consistently, 2-4 gallons a day. for what you have which looks like 45 gallon smart pots.

fish emulsion
humic acid

all you really need for out door if the soil is tip top.

With the yellowing your experiencing you might have to much salt build up in the soil. flush with hygrozyme for 2-4 days. then go back to high nitrogen once a week the rest is just straight water. I had a hard time transitioning from indoor to outdoor growing, cause im so used to pumping the indoors. I realized quickly that you dont want to do that.



Active Member
So it has been a week how are the plants? Seems like we have alot in common semper fidelis. Read my thread in the organics section alot of good info. I dont ph nothing at all for my grow. keepem green dirrtyd
Man still running into problems but this time its with the fuckin dirt being to damn compact. and with the weather latley its been cold so we transplanted into fresh happyfog soil. should see progress in a couple days I will post pics tomorrow. the water coming out of tap runs at 8.3 ph way to high so am ph-ing it to 6.8. also Semper Fi!!! thx for the response and will check it out.


Active Member
Water them with Hygrozyme. Shit is bonkers how well it works. Explosive root growth. Eats all the dead root mass. Peep game!

water consistently, 2-4 gallons a day. for what you have which looks like 45 gallon smart pots.

fish emulsion
humic acid

all you really need for out door if the soil is tip top.

With the yellowing your experiencing you might have to much salt build up in the soil. flush with hygrozyme for 2-4 days. then go back to high nitrogen once a week the rest is just straight water. I had a hard time transitioning from indoor to outdoor growing, cause im so used to pumping the indoors. I realized quickly that you dont want to do that.

So you use the Hydrozyme when you water or flush it, then use the Maxsea, fish emulsion etc for the feeding reg?


Active Member
Could the root system be cooking in the plastic pots, I notice my ots get very hot and am only in northern Europe.
Im in smart pots they are made of fabric and are supposed to breath well. the sides do not get hot.. but it seems to keep my soil damp for long periods of time.