Outdoor Grow 2012: Purple Kush, Lemon Kush, Bubba Kush and Og Kush


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2178168My first plants
View attachment 2178175Kellogg Patio Plus(FoxFarm knockoff lol)
View attachment 2178190Nice good rich soil I double dug some supersoil and sweetgum leaf compost in for added drainage and nutrition
View attachment 2178177View attachment 2178194View attachment 2178193015.jpg016.jpg017.jpgThis little lady was screaming please feed me and I ignored her and thats what happened lol. She has now been fed and all new growth is as green as grass:dunce:018.jpg020.jpg021.jpgView attachment 2178195View attachment 2178196View attachment 2178197View attachment 2178198019.jpgView attachment 2178199View attachment 2178200View attachment 2178201View attachment 2178202View attachment 2178203
View attachment 2178204Ive got tomatoes, Anaheim Peppers, Okra and Armenian Cucumbers planted in the Garden as well. (Garden diversity is great for the flyovers....Staying on my toes at all times)
003.jpgin a couple weeks these will be going to seperate locations.....shhhh its a secret lol.


Well-Known Member
Damn thing didn't upload my photos right.
010.jpgThe youngest plants are doing great
Topped a few plants the other day looking good no that they have received enough nutes.


Well-Known Member
Oh fa sho. Thought you would never ask. Haha. No-Town Business. There's L.A.and the Bay I'm from the middle of both....we in The No. haha

Had to build a screenhouse because of the heat, 103 oooowweeeeyyyyy.....Not the business. I did not like the leaf cupping and stunted growth and now they all are looking robust and healthy no more nutrient deficiencies 1 plant is 11 inches wide and 8 inches tall gonna be a thick bitch got off to a slow start but now they are really taking off after topping them.....well see for yourself.



Well-Known Member
went outside at 5:00 only to find a few of my babies wilting and crisping in sun. I hadn't watered them in like 5 days. I'm such a neglectful parent lol. They perked back up in 10 minutes but I still won't get all the dead plant material back :( sucks donkey dick. On a lighter note I'm high as fuck on brownies and spent fathers day with my son all day :)


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
whats the white stuff on the ground bro?
The stuff on the ground is some sevin dust I picked up at walmart. I have ants in my soil and I don't want them to bring any aphids and the ants hate Sevin dust. It also kills caterpillars and other worms that like to eat leaves and buds. They gotta eat it to die tho.


Well-Known Member
you seem like an experienced grower :) you got some perfect-bushy plants. good job so far!
Gracias Senior. Actually this is my first grow. I'm a complete newb. I just have been around alot of family and close friends that grow and I read alot of grow books and do alot of internet research. I have made plenty mistakes to get to the point I'm at right now. I still have alot of learning to do. I am researching and reading up on the Indoor grow world since I will be entering this winter.