outdoor grow help


Well-Known Member
probably a good call on the camo net, it was an interesting idea, was curious if soomeone had any experience
diggindirt seems to, informative post
i was talking about the organic being a big project because getting organic stuff to your grow could be a horrendous hauling job, organics are a lot of weight
i do understand not wanting chem, and organic does bring some good juju to the grow
eh i need a good work out anyways lol
so i have a good question on something im REALLy not sure about if i start my plants inside under artificial light its nothing special just a flood light but its not on a timer just gets cut off and on 1 time a day when i wake up on go to bed off so will the change in light pattern when my plants go out in the next month make them autoflower


Well-Known Member
Ive been growing outdoor for years and to get aharvest follow these 2 golden rules- 1 -no growing partners 2- Only visit patch at dawn for a short time , any other time thru the day someone WILL eventually see your car ,then its goodbye harvest.


Well-Known Member
i've always planted by seed outdoors, been a long time since i've done the outdoor, been safer inside for me
sounds like you will have roughly a 16/8 light/dark indoors, that should work well but here is where the voice of more recent experienced outdoors experts will be helpful
thanks buds definitely going solo other then what help ill get here

so what about topping how big do you guys let your plants get before you start topping them i can start topping them right after the second set of leaves come out right? or is this alittle early? i want my plants to grow in the shape of a bush and not a tree


Well-Known Member
i've read similar to your thought, a couple of nodes then top, maybe 3 nodes
i'm thinking of outdoor training for a single very discrete outdoor grow
but topping would likely be better for your plans, it should break up the profile big time
i had seen a pretty slick idea posted on another site, scrog pit
hole is dug, grow pot/pail underneath, screen maybe 18 inches above the ground line
those could be very hard to spot, but a lot of work/maintenance i would think


Well-Known Member
Can top whenever you like matey. I personally top earlier rather than later... usually as soon as I can snip the main stem above the 2nd nodes for 4 tops. That's of course when my height is limited inside. Outdoors, I'd let that bad girl go for a top cola the size of my thigh! :weed:

As for the soil, I like composted horse manure for a soil amendment. Dirt cheap (usually free), full of nutrients and retains water well for less trips to the patch. Peat moss is also a lightweight material that will increase water retention capacity, but has no nutritive value. If hauling a buch of material to the site isn't an option, just go with a good 5-5-5 type fetilizer, and a 50lb sack of all purpose sand dug into the soil a month or so before you plant.

Try to get a fert with Mychorrizae in it as this will drastically increase your root masses and help in dry periods. If you've not yet gotten into mychorrizae, just go to bigpumpkins.com and see what some people are doing with them! First pumpkin ever passed 2000lb last year... now THAT's some big veggies son!

Then later on in the year you can always top dress with a bit more if you feel you need it, or switch to a bloom formula in the beginning of August.
i would love to have a cola that size but id rather have a bush instead of a tree and thanks for the fert info

itll be awhile before i reply back guys wont be around the comp but ill be back and ill update everybody on how things are going

thanks growone buds and diggin dirt