outdoor grow input needed

This is my first outdoor grow in the sunshine state and i have attached some pictures. I have a few questions that i would like anyones input on. She is about three weeks into flowering and the bottom fan leaves were turning yellow and dying at a rate faster than i was comfortable with. I added a half dose of some miracle grow vegetable food and it seemed to have stopped the fan leaves deterieration in their tracks. Does everything look good for where i am at on this grow? Should I fertilize again in a few weeks, this was only my second dose on her. Also, i got the seeds from a buddy of mine and would like to know if anyone recognizes the strain. Any input is appreciated, thanks


looks to be this kind of plant
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Rosales
Family: Cannabaceae
Genus: Cannabis
Species: C. sativa


Active Member
sativa its looks good its gonna b a long bloomer prob nutes it again in a few ,,,, weeks or so if you like the effects sounds like youre reading youre plant it will show you what it needs ...


Well-Known Member
Id be feeding some basic bloom feed through out flowering. Nice one that it sorted the yellowing out... Its just i wouldnt go feeding it too much veg food in flowering as they have a lot of N in them. ANd you want P and K. and small traces of N which you ll find in the bloom feed. Looks nice and healthy ..

Your gonna get natural yellowing through out flowering so dont worry too much. If ya got a good deal of sun every day, you ll be sweet... Just make sure ya dont crop it early... looks like ya gonna be in for a wait. but will be worth it


Well-Known Member
the pic says it all. N deficiency; lime green plant overall, lower leaves yellow and die off, yellowing starts at oldest growth and climbs up the plant.

by the way that center pic is my plant, 35 days ago!
feed with 1/2 strength(900-1500ppm) every other watering for best results, any more or less will result in small leaves and slow growth.

reference pics:
no hate meant, nitrogen deficiency early stage -note the overall lime green color with lower leaves yellowing

healthy: -note its a bit darker than a punk rockers lime green Mohawk

nitrogen toxicity: -note its a bit darker than any green crayola crayon i've ever used
dude im gonna advise against any nute schedual. the nutes should be leaning towards K the whole grow, but a balanced diet is almost as good! yellowing and dieing plant growth is not normal at all, the plant is starving if its showing signs of deficiency and hunger, not thriving lolz. just flush at the end and you will be fine!
updated photos, let me know what you think. I went and bought some Alaska Morbloom today and feed her some of that as well as a little bloodworm to see how she reacts. Hopefully she will darken up a bit.


Well-Known Member
the one on the far right is getting pretty N deficient you gotta feed soon. all the others are doing good but they could use the smallest amount of nutes though(1/4-1/2 strength)
I added 1/4 dose of alaska fish fert to her a few days ago and am pleased with the darkening of the leaves, there are still some lighter fan leaves on the bottom. She seemed to have matured quite a bit in a week, should i continue with the ferts and nutes or stop them and let her go the rest without. How much longer until I should harvest her? IMG00346-20110830-1321.jpgIMG00345-20110830-1319.jpgIMG00347-20110830-1321.jpg


Yaa florida yaa!! Im a new sunny state grower too and Im dealing with this exact problem just to a little farther extent. Lack of nitrogen and yellowing at the bottom. how much was the fish fert ??
Yaa florida yaa!! Im a new sunny state grower too and Im dealing with this exact problem just to a little farther extent. Lack of nitrogen and yellowing at the bottom. how much was the fish fert ??
It was like 8 or 9 bucks if that at home depot. I watered the leaves of the plant and the results were pretty quick. I also added some blood meal into the soil as well.