equatorial Farmer
Hi Guys
I am new to this group, but thought I would go ahead and and start a thread on my growth journal, for my planting. This is the first outside planting I have done, and the first growing i have done in nearly a decade (last time was indoor in UK).
So being in Kenya I am pretty lucky with the weather, pretty warm all year round, temperatures range from lowest 10 degrees Celsius to about 34 degrees Celsius where I am (a place of elevated altitude) , with good levels of rain flow (although does come heavy during the two rainy seasons.
I have decided to break away from the usual Kenyan landracers, which are 100% Sativa, and have got seeds for the following:
1. Auto Moscow (From Seeds man) x 7
2. Wipeout Express (From Heavy weight seeds) x 7
3. Chemdog (from Green House Seeds) x 7
4. 24k, Kosher Tangie (From DNA Genetics) x 2 (they were a freebie)
I have spare seeds for all of these.
So what has happened so far:
The first thing i did was is to start germinating the seeds indoors using damp tissue paper and placing it in a seed germination station. This is a sealed plastic tower with trays with drainage and air vents (used for sprouting seeds for eating). I used it to keep it humid. I placed this tower under LED lights for 18hrs.
The result of this was partially opened seeds with taproot starting to appear,
After this i transplanted the seeds to seedling pots on trays. The soil i used was the Kenyan red soil (very good for growing, a sandy quality, yet very rich in volcanic and organic matter, taken from near the river. I added warthog manure and giraffe manure (I live in a nature sanctuary). I then added some very basic trace minerals of calcium and magnesium. I then initially placed these under lights for 18hrs a day for 2 days. After this i decided to put plastic open ziplock bags over the trays to make them very humid (but keepin an airgap), and placed them outside away from where birds or animals may get at them. At night I bring them in to have 4 hours under the LED lights.
That brings us to today (5 days into grow), where we now are starting to have some shoots, well apart from one Auto moscow and Wipeout express. I noticed they had not pushed through and thought maybe they were a dud seeds, so i removed a little of the soil and noticed that the seeds have both dropped really deep when the pots were moved. They both have good taproots on them. So I have raised the seeds in their pots and I am hoping that they are able to push up to the surface.
Initially I did notice mold appear on the soil after the first 3 days. I realised that this was caused y over watering. So i reduced watering and cleared the mold carefully off. I then sprayed lightly with a water and vinegar mix. Which seems to have done the trick.
Another worry is insects. Due to the organic nature of the soil i am using there could be bugs within the soil. So tonight i will water with water and neem oil. The neem will settle into the soil and hopefully kill the bugs that may be there.
Thanks for reading and looking at the photos. PLease if you have any advice please comment as I am a bit of a newbie.

I am new to this group, but thought I would go ahead and and start a thread on my growth journal, for my planting. This is the first outside planting I have done, and the first growing i have done in nearly a decade (last time was indoor in UK).
So being in Kenya I am pretty lucky with the weather, pretty warm all year round, temperatures range from lowest 10 degrees Celsius to about 34 degrees Celsius where I am (a place of elevated altitude) , with good levels of rain flow (although does come heavy during the two rainy seasons.
I have decided to break away from the usual Kenyan landracers, which are 100% Sativa, and have got seeds for the following:
1. Auto Moscow (From Seeds man) x 7
2. Wipeout Express (From Heavy weight seeds) x 7
3. Chemdog (from Green House Seeds) x 7
4. 24k, Kosher Tangie (From DNA Genetics) x 2 (they were a freebie)
I have spare seeds for all of these.
So what has happened so far:
The first thing i did was is to start germinating the seeds indoors using damp tissue paper and placing it in a seed germination station. This is a sealed plastic tower with trays with drainage and air vents (used for sprouting seeds for eating). I used it to keep it humid. I placed this tower under LED lights for 18hrs.
The result of this was partially opened seeds with taproot starting to appear,
After this i transplanted the seeds to seedling pots on trays. The soil i used was the Kenyan red soil (very good for growing, a sandy quality, yet very rich in volcanic and organic matter, taken from near the river. I added warthog manure and giraffe manure (I live in a nature sanctuary). I then added some very basic trace minerals of calcium and magnesium. I then initially placed these under lights for 18hrs a day for 2 days. After this i decided to put plastic open ziplock bags over the trays to make them very humid (but keepin an airgap), and placed them outside away from where birds or animals may get at them. At night I bring them in to have 4 hours under the LED lights.
That brings us to today (5 days into grow), where we now are starting to have some shoots, well apart from one Auto moscow and Wipeout express. I noticed they had not pushed through and thought maybe they were a dud seeds, so i removed a little of the soil and noticed that the seeds have both dropped really deep when the pots were moved. They both have good taproots on them. So I have raised the seeds in their pots and I am hoping that they are able to push up to the surface.
Initially I did notice mold appear on the soil after the first 3 days. I realised that this was caused y over watering. So i reduced watering and cleared the mold carefully off. I then sprayed lightly with a water and vinegar mix. Which seems to have done the trick.
Another worry is insects. Due to the organic nature of the soil i am using there could be bugs within the soil. So tonight i will water with water and neem oil. The neem will settle into the soil and hopefully kill the bugs that may be there.
Thanks for reading and looking at the photos. PLease if you have any advice please comment as I am a bit of a newbie.