outdoor grow need help wicked bad


Well-Known Member
Need some quick info..... How are you feeding it? When was last feeding? Have you recently added or taken something out of the routine?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
its a plant, with just water and love they will grow.. feed them sum good nutes during veg and you will have a tree, feed them good bloom nutes during flower and have on hell of a harvest..
well its raining out now so that takes care of today but i water every other day about 2.5 gal per plant
does it look like nut burn


Active Member
did the prooblem start when you started adding bloom fert and if not then what fert where you using b4..remember your bloom fert has less nitro then veg fert..so if they were looking like that b4 the bloom fert then i wouldnt say its a nitro problem,,unless you werent using any fert b4 the bloom fert...and since your plant is budding then it is also a natural reaction for your plant to transfer its energy to the budding and not so much the leaves..
thanks for the help
the problem started before flower but not this bad
i put them in april so they been in the buckets for a while
seems to me some nut problem
some the time of year it is
some me fucking with it
what should i do

newb weed grower

Active Member
ok im thinking if you changed it and problems happened then look at what both feeds have then see what the new one has and doesnt in comparison
and it should lose bottom leaves tyowards end of flowering so exspect that to happen