Outdoor Grow (Pics)


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,
I am new to the forum and new to the garden if you know what I mean. This is my first attempt and I would greatly appreciate all advice, tips and comments as it will only help me and my babies!

Largest plant at six days. Taken 4 days ago.

Second largest plant at six days. Taken 4 days ago.

These plants receive true sunlight from 11am-6pm. From 7pm-10am they go indoors to receive additional light.

Indoor light is provided by four fluorescent lights.
The lights are setup in the following form:

Each bulb lays horizontally and sits about 3-4 inches above the the tops of each plant. I water each about once a day unless it rains. I will have more pictures up this evening.


Well-Known Member
looks good but watering once a day is probably a bit much. maybe once every three days.
Yeah that's what I was starting to think. I took some pictures today and this is what we have.

Plant 1

Plant 2

Plant 3

I'm assuming that Plant 3 looks unhealthy because of over watering? I have not watered the plants today or the two days prior to that. Although it rained both of those days for about half of the day each day. Again the plants spent the night indoors under the four bulbs shown above so no water accumulation occurred during the nights.

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
you should be watering based on how dry the soil gets, not on how many days it has been. you want to get into the routine of a dry/wet cycle meaning you water then let the soil dry out, then water...etc continuing the cycle. overwatering is one of the easiest ways to kill your plants. i suffered from stunted growth because i over watered my plants their first 2 weeks. trust me, they need aerated soil nearly as much as they need water


Well-Known Member
water less, or add perlite and vermiculite to the soil mix
When it comes time for transplant what would you suggest to remove all small bugs/pests and things in a wooded setting that could harm the plants? I am also worried about squirrels as we have a few in the area.

Also, the plants seem to grow faster indoor under the conditions stated above. Why is this? They receive at least 7 hours of direct sunlight.


Well-Known Member
Also I am beginning to get a little worried that bouncing the photo period around might be unhealthy for the plants. Some times I am not capable of moving the plants indoors until night when its been dark for over an hour. Once I bring them in they receive the light setup listed above. Then, in the AM they are moved back outdoors to receive direct overhead sunlight against white siding. Take notice of the pictures above as these plants are in vegetative stage. Is it a problem if the plants have to sit in the dark for a few hours at night? Also I am still curious about my previous question. Thanks all.

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
When it comes time for transplant what would you suggest to remove all small bugs/pests and things in a wooded setting that could harm the plants? I am also worried about squirrels as we have a few in the area.

Also, the plants seem to grow faster indoor under the conditions stated above. Why is this? They receive at least 7 hours of direct sunlight.
I suggest you buy some neem oil from your local store. it will prevent any bugs from eating your plants. If you want to control squirrels and other rodents you will have to buy some chicken wire, or some sort of barrier (i use green mesh to blend in) to prevent them.

Are you saying they grow faster inside than outside? I dont get the question.:confused:


Well-Known Member
I suggest you buy some neem oil from your local store. it will prevent any bugs from eating your plants. If you want to control squirrels and other rodents you will have to buy some chicken wire, or some sort of barrier (i use green mesh to blend in) to prevent them.

Are you saying they grow faster inside than outside? I dont get the question.:confused:
I see. I actually had two questions. First being exactly that, I just don't see why they grow faster in artificial light. Second question is about moving the plant from outdoor to indoor and vice-versa. Well, if I move the plants a little later then expected they sit outside in the dark for an hour or so before they are moved. Is this bad for the plants?

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
I see. I actually had two questions. First being exactly that, I just don't see why they grow faster in artificial light. Second question is about moving the plant from outdoor to indoor and vice-versa. Well, if I move the plants a little later then expected they sit outside in the dark for an hour or so before they are moved. Is this bad for the plants?
1. i dont really know. probably because you can have more direct light for longer. there arent factors like bugs that will slow growth im guessing.
2. It depends. Are you doing this every day? Why not just leave them outside. I started seedlings outside and they did just fine. You increase the chances of stressing out your plants by switching up the light/dark times a lot.


Well-Known Member
1. i dont really know. probably because you can have more direct light for longer. there arent factors like bugs that will slow growth im guessing.
2. It depends. Are you doing this every day? Why not just leave them outside. I started seedlings outside and they did just fine. You increase the chances of stressing out your plants by switching up the light/dark times a lot.
See this is where I hit confusion... If you have seen the pictures of the plants (minus the third unhealthy one) you'll notice they are very healthy. I will take 2 week pictures tomorrow. I treat these plants like gold so I guess all I can say is I'll continue the current routine until I see a negative reaction. Hopefully this will not happen. I also purchased Superthrive which I plan to start using Monday when the plants are just over 2 weeks old. I expect to see a big increase in vegetative growth during the time I'm using Superthrive. I plan to use Superthrive while under the current conditions for 1-2 weeks From that point I plan to transplant the plants. After transplant I will continue to use Superthrive for an amount of time that has yet to be decided.

Thanks for helping with my questions. Although, I have another. :mrgreen:

Is transplanting in direct soil the best idea? Or is it some times smarter to use a pot. For example if my spot had alot of roots running through the soil could it hurt my plant even if i did cut most of them and pulled a shitload up. If I transplant directly I plan to use 1-2 bags of miracle grow organic soil mix with some other ingredients that I will not bother to mention. I would put all of this in the ground basically using the ground as a big pot for my 1-2 bags of soil + other ingredients. Good idea? Or what is the best way to transplant?


Active Member
Yes that will confuse your plants bringing them in & out if you leave them in the dark to long, if you could leave them outside it would be much better. This type of stress can cause hermaphrodism. The advice about waiting for the soil to dry before watering again that Orange Shovel gave you is the best. If you really want to see your plants grow like crazy water them with mineral water, it is direct CO-2 to the roots.


Well-Known Member
Yes that will confuse your plants bringing them in & out if you leave them in the dark to long, if you could leave them outside it would be much better. This type of stress can cause hermaphrodism. The advice about waiting for the soil to dry before watering again that Orange Shovel gave you is the best. If you really want to see your plants grow like crazy water them with mineral water, it is direct CO-2 to the roots.
That's what I was trying to explain. At first I tried strictly outdoors. The plants thrive when indoors. They grow fast outdoors too, just not as fast. I have also been watering the soil about once every 3 days when the top of the soil is dry and a little crumbly.

I think what I am going to do is keep up my routine of 9am-9pm outside 10pm-8am inside. Like I said the plants are in vegetative stage and they seem to like it. In my opinion (correct me if I'm wrong please) stress would slow growth not provoke it. Every one is familiar with 18/6 up to 24 for veg. I'm 21-22/3-2. That puts me right in the middle of what is preferred for vegetative growth. in addition, the plants seem to like it and they are growing really strong and fast. Not to mention they are being transplanted soon. The extra growth should do nothing but help it survive the move. I will have the 2 week pictures tomorrow as promised. Now that I type it all out, sounds like everything is just right! So far.....


Well-Known Member
What is an average height of a 2 week plant. Bag seed if it matters. Or if pictures give an indication take a look.


Well-Known Member
This is Plant 1 at 2 weeks.

This is Plant 2 at 2 weeks.

More soon to come. Also I started Superthrive today.

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
im sorry but i think you are missing the point. when you screw around with the plants light cycle, it will turn hermie. meaning, dont put the plants inside with the lights on after sunset. yes they will look good, but when you have a male or hermie plant, it wont matter at all because you will get very little in return.

just choose one: inside or outside. either stick your baby inside with the cfls or just let nature do its thing.


Well-Known Member
Even though I am using Superthrive as a stress resister and if they start stressing wont they show signs of it? Is stress what causes male and hermie plants?

Edit: Also, if I plan to transplant soon I think it is wiser to have a healthier, bigger plant with a robust root system and larger leaves to process co2 and sunlight.
Not to mention the grow area will have rougher conditions then indoor or in the back yard. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I guess all I can say is well see how it turns out. I always feel the best way to learn is trial and error... Stop jynxing my ladies!!!
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Well-Known Member
I transplanted today. I will have pictures tomorrow. If all goes as planned I will have pictures of the grow spot as well. I have chicken wire around the plants in a cylinder. I also have a slow drip of water + Superthirve on each plant. When I transplanted I broke the bottom of the soil away until I could just see root mass. From this point I put them in a miracle grow organic pot mix & grow spot soil mixture. The mixture sits inside a 1x1 hole in the ground with the plants planted in the mixture. ANY advice? or tips. Also, should I worry about slugs and snails? The grow spot is in the middle of a thick overgrown area (40x40) in the middle of the woods. A 6x6 circle is carved out of the center of this area. The only way in is through a tunnel which has a hidden entrance surrounded by thorns. From entrance to center takes about 5 minutes and is very uncomfortable.