outdoor grow

pretty much the only thing you can do is keep giving them a shitload of water. They will live, but they will be severely stunted and might not grow for a while.


Well-Known Member
pretty much the only thing you can do is keep giving them a shitload of water. They will live, but they will be severely stunted and might not grow for a while.
how much water???? i flooded them today again the smaller ones look HORRIBLE. the stems have turned yellow and leaves have begun falling off are they still going to recover? fuuuuucccckkkkkkkkkkkkk


Active Member
Juno, I did the same thing with my tomato plants earlier this year. You have to wash the soil clean of the fert you put in it. If you put soluble fert and have already drenched your soil (by drench I mean watered the pots with as much water as the can hold, let it drain for 15 minutes or so and then repeat), then you have done all you can do. Now you need to let the soil dry out so that you don't get root rot or a fungus.

The plants that are going to recover will recover and the ones that won't, well won't. When I screwed up, I killed 3 of my 10 tomato plants. Best of luck to you.


Active Member
Damn all you can do is flush em like everyone else said, but you do also gotta be careful about overwatering....

That sucks, they were doing so good too.... This thread brought a tear to my eye...


Well-Known Member
Damn all you can do is flush em like everyone else said, but you do also gotta be careful about overwatering....

That sucks, they were doing so good too.... This thread brought a tear to my eye...

me too bro. me too.

heres some pix of what they look like now...

the biggest one looks like he might make it, the newest growth on the the top is very green and so is the main stem. as for the others, theyre completely yellow dried out, can they still make it?



Active Member
You might have over watered them, i killed an entire pack mango seeds except for one and i think it was simply from spraying them with 2 much water. I also killed 2 Bubba kush, 1 Sour Cream, and one Rocklock AND an Arjan's Haze #1 ALL from over watering seedlings or so i think. If you water them too much i think the leaves hold too much and the plant fries, or at least thats waht happen to my seedlings they went from green to fried in a couple days

As for topping it is really simple, i just topped this Church 3 days ago on it's 6th node DSC01052.jpg. Topping it after the 5th node allows a set of fan leaves to come in, but honestly I can see why people top after the 2nd or 3rd because you end up cutting most of those lower branches any way, or thats what I'm going to do. When you top it, you only need a quarter of an inch or so to cut, I've seen a lot of people chop like half of their plant and throw it away, or some massive head that took a week to get that big, you only only need a little bit


Well-Known Member
my biggest one has recovered some, the larger fan leaves are still a little yellow and majority of them have fallen off. theres still alot of new green growth and the plants about 2 1/2 ft tall now. whats guna happen with all the leaves that fell off is the yield gunna be fucked up now?


Well-Known Member
Ok so haven't posted in a while, the surviving plant has recovered greatly and is looking pretty good at this point. Still a couple of fried leaves on it, but its looking ALOT healthier. I went out to check on it today and it looks like I can FINALLY see pistils! :blsmoke:

Can anybody tell me if my babys finally goin into flowering? Here are some pix

All help is appreciated Happy Growings :joint::mrgreen:

Oh and a quick Q, does this look more indica or sativa? This plant is also 32" almost 3'



Well-Known Member
Almost all plants are now indica/sativa hybrids in one form or another. I'd say its leaning towards sativa dominant. Good luck!


Active Member
Your plant shouldn't be flowering yet. It's really the last thing you want with so much time left to veg. You might see some preflowers around this time.


Well-Known Member
Your plant shouldn't be flowering yet. It's really the last thing you want with so much time left to veg. You might see some preflowers around this time.
what do you mean it shouldnt be flowering yet?
its been in veg for like 2 months how longs it gunna take before ill be harvesting this sucker?


Well-Known Member
but those are definitely pistils are they not???

and to anybody who hasnt been following this plant just came out of fertilizer poisoning


Well-Known Member
You might have over watered them, i killed an entire pack mango seeds except for one and i think it was simply from spraying them with 2 much water. I also killed 2 Bubba kush, 1 Sour Cream, and one Rocklock AND an Arjan's Haze #1 ALL from over watering seedlings or so i think. If you water them too much i think the leaves hold too much and the plant fries, or at least thats waht happen to my seedlings they went from green to fried in a couple days

As for topping it is really simple, i just topped this Church 3 days ago on it's 6th node View attachment 1005075. Topping it after the 5th node allows a set of fan leaves to come in, but honestly I can see why people top after the 2nd or 3rd because you end up cutting most of those lower branches any way, or thats what I'm going to do. When you top it, you only need a quarter of an inch or so to cut, I've seen a lot of people chop like half of their plant and throw it away, or some massive head that took a week to get that big, you only only need a little bit

Ye well if ur an indoor grower U most likely don't want plants that get toooo bushy(due to space) second node works perfect for me. when I grew outdoor I topped them plants every week for about a month and a half. It promoted extremely thick stems, so the get strong against wind and lots of good size colas. And ofcourse U don't really need the bottom branches, So indoor I jus shave them off once the plants about 2 ft talll or so(better airflow for bottom of the plant).


Well-Known Member
but those are definitely pistils are they not???

and to anybody who hasnt been following this plant just came out of fertilizer poisoning

Dude I'm so glad u saved ur baby, such a nice green healthy plant it was, and it is(If I were you I would top it then clone the toppings). I'd say those are pistils but sometimes newly grown leaves look like them hair too. How big is ur pot??? U can't plant it in ground dirt??????


Well-Known Member
Looks great cant beleive the plant grew to a foot in 4 weeks!!! from germ

haha thanks i was really pleased to see that too! there really was somethin special bout the genetics of this plant i already cloned it (attempted to theyre in week 2) and hopefully those take root really soon.

would it be too late to top it tho? and what do you mean clone the toppings? im almost positive those are pistils (at least im praying) cuz these are white and squiggly unlike the new growth (which 3 weeks ago i did mistake for pistils LOL) but its in a 5-gallon bucket now, and yes, planting it in the ground IS an option, but would it be worth it? like what would be the benefits?

thanks for your comments and support :blsmoke: