outdoor grow


Active Member
Yeah, they're definitely pistils. That's just them showing their sex, not full on flower. Only indoor growers want to flower at an earlier time than nature allows for size restriction. They simulate the change of seasons by cutting the hours of light a plant gets. This will happen naturally around august when the days start getting shorter. Not too late to top, but I'd wait until it's made a full recovery. You can find a bunch of threads with pics to help you out on that. Cloning a top involves cutting more of the top off than than a traditional top job.


Well-Known Member
fuck! really? I put it in the ground today, does that mean its gunna be bigger?

and what happens with a topped clone? i heard about cloning in flowering for much branches. What are the benefits of cloning the top? i already cloned this girl 4 times

thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
youll no what type they are right about 2 months. thats when ull have good sized leaves, if they are fat leaves its prob indica. if skinny leaves prob stativa. another way to tell is the highth when they are done though :/. indica will be 8/10 feet w/o topping and stativa can be 10 to 12 feet.

I Love THC

Active Member
Putting it into the ground might shock her a little but she will recover and become massive over the flowering cycle some strains turn out 3 times as big at harvest then when flowering started.


Well-Known Member
lol i used MG on mine at 2 weeks old lol. im usein 24:8:16 at 1/4th str, granted at 2 weeks i was usein 1/8th every 3 days lol. that means u use 1/4th the container for every gallon. the less you use you will be better off lol, u wont kill them that way. think about it as you doing crack for the first time XD u dont wanna do a whole fkin pile do ya X DXD XD XD XD .

use 1/4th str , unless they start 2 go limp dont give them any more than that. thats all they should need untill they are presexing.


Well-Known Member
Wow that sucks man atleast your still free. But they might be watchin you. Stay safe my brother!