outdoor grow


I have an outdoor plant it showed sex like a week ago it has alot of white hairs on on each pod I guess u would call it where the buds start ig (first time grow) so how long do I have till its done? And I havent used any nutes just moved from pot to pot im done moving it now its in a 3 gall cause the dirts not good and its been in there for weeks and has never shown any nutriemt deficiencies so ig im good?


Well-Known Member
Well if it showed a week ago, you got about 6-8 weeks left buddy. Pics will help your other questions


Well-Known Member
The plant looks fine, I would give it some tea just as a health booster since it is starting to flower


Well-Known Member
Compost tea, or guano tea, with earth worm castings, kelp, and such. There are lots of great threads on it in the organic section. The tea won't burn your plants.


What soil are you using?
Alright thanks and honestly I currently dont have money to put into it I started it in miracle grow in a small pot then switched it to a 2 gall and I have a 500 pound pig in a pin and on the outside of the frnce theres whis really moist dark soil that alot of stuff grows in so I just dug some of that up and filled the 2 gall pot n put it in there its been in that for over 3 weeks ans hasnt shown any prob with nutrient defficiencies


Well-Known Member
She looks perfectly healthy and will most likely make it to harvest without nutes but if you feed nutes, it will increase the yield by quite a bit. You don't have yo get these crazy expensive nutrients. Regular vegetable nutes at a garden center will work just fine


She looks perfectly healthy and will most likely make it to harvest without nutes but if you feed nutes, it will increase the yield by quite a bit. You don't have yo get these crazy expensive nutrients. Regular vegetable nutes at a garden center will work just fine
Alright thanks man thats good news shes just my only plant so im worried somethings gonna happen to her haha