Outdoor grower needs help determining sex of plants


Well-Known Member
Ok...so out of the 5 Northern Lights seeds, only 2 were successful. They're 4 weeks old now and I'm starting to see some sign of sex? I hope the pictures help.
The 3rd plant is a feminized Swiss Cheese from Nirvana so thats a no brainer. She's only 2 weeks old. I cant wait!
Need help. Responses will def get + rep.



Well-Known Member
i cant tell the sex from the pics but you want to be looking for white hairs(female) or some balls(male) coming from the nodes (you may already know this but no harm in tellin you again)i would try and get closer pics or wait a couple days to determin sex.they look nice bye the way healthy. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks unknown...yeah, i always hear about the balls and white hairs...i still dont see any sign of them both...I'm wondering if they're still too young?


Well-Known Member
You have to wait for the plants to reach sexual maturity during the vegetative state.

Those plants are still seedlings.


Well-Known Member
ye i would say they are proberly to young ive got some autos at 5 weeks and they only just showed sex and they are supposed to be quick?also yours wont show sex if the daylight hours are more than 12 or 13 unless they are showing pre flowers.


Well-Known Member
Is it me? or do they seem to be small for 4 weeks old? I see indoor growers plants at 4 weeks old and they're like 1.5 feet tall!


Active Member
those little things that look like they might be sign of sex are just your branches growing out, if you look closely you can see the edges of the new leaf forming. they still look like they have some more growing to do before they will start to show you their preflowers, maybe like 3 weeks or another month.


Well-Known Member
yo jonboy my plant that i put outside looked just like yours do before i put it outside.. haha.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Ok...so out of the 5 Northern Lights seeds, only 2 were successful. They're 4 weeks old now and I'm starting to see some sign of sex? I hope the pictures help.
The 3rd plant is a feminized Swiss Cheese from Nirvana so thats a no brainer. She's only 2 weeks old. I cant wait!
Need help. Responses will def get + rep.
Normaly they show sex when the have 2 sets of seven finger leaves, my skunk only showed sex there the other day and its over a foot tall so theres another bit of waiting yet my friend, by the way the look great!

keep up the good work!


grow space

Well-Known Member
yep man-if you want to see what sex of your plant is then switch to 12/12.then after couple of days youl see does i have just grapish balls or white hair(pistills-usually 2).after that switch back to your regular lightning like 18/6 nad the plant starts to re-veg itself.but re-vegging slows the plant growth a little.
keep up the good work....