Outdoor growing (Ireland)

Iv managed to pick up shaman by Dutch passion and my poly tunnel will be done by this day next week do you recomend I should germanate straight away and put into the poly tunnel or should I veg under a light for a couple of weeks?
Hi I'm not New to growing I'm just not use to outdoor growing, iv done a couple of small indoor grows but nothing big and now since iv moved house I can't do anymore indoors so I was basically wondering which strains would be better to grow outside and what would be the best organic way of feeding them I was thinking sea weed and compost as feed I don't want to be useing bottled feed, so any tips on good outdoor strains and any other information welcome thanks.

this is my outdoor first grow super skunk auto fems week 1 what do you think?
Iv managed to pick up shaman by Dutch passion and my poly tunnel will be done by this day next week do you recomend I should germanate straight away and put into the poly tunnel or should I veg under a light for a couple of weeks?

How much did your polytunnel cost you? I thought they where bit expensive.was gonna just veg for 1 month and leave them outside. But it keeps raining non stop then for a few days it's lovely and the hailstones!!???I'm goi g to by a cheapy greenhouse and keep them inside untill end of may start of July .