Outdoor growing problems!!


New Member
Hey guys, new to the forum ! awesome site lots to learn
A few questions im going to ask im sure you will be facepalming and laughing at me but bare with me , been doing this for a few years but never started with seed.
Ok so first of all i am located in atlantic Canada and usually start outside in june and finish late sept with clones
this year i decided to order online and purchased three different strains , big bomb, texada timewarp and purple paralysis
Having the worst year i have ever had between being a cheap ass and not buying guarnteed females.

So my questions are -

- are these strains usually a late bloom? I cant seem to get them to finish .. they are JUST starting to bud and the seasons almost over
- do seeds generally take longer to turn?
- did the few male plants i pulled confuse the others and cause them to take longer to bud?

I grow in 50 L Bags with excellent soil / water mixture and have bud candy like always just add it to my water in early/mid bud
I am worried as i have enough seeds to start next year again but dont want to run into the same problems.. is there anything i can do different , besides starting earlier?
Thanks for your help sorry for the scattered rant, little high!! hahaha


Well-Known Member
So my questions are -

- are these strains usually a late bloom? I cant seem to get them to finish .. they are JUST starting to bud and the seasons almost over
- do seeds generally take longer to turn?
- did the few male plants i pulled confuse the others and cause them to take longer to bud?
i've never grown those strains so can't answer with regards to those in particular, however, from my experiences of growing several different strains outside, some from clone and some from seed, I know that the strain does matter on when blooming begins and when it ends. I have three different strains this year and I'm looking at about 1 week to harvest on one, about two - three weeks on another and at least a full month on the last. I think that given your very short growing season that you need to select seeds for an early finish. What are other people in your area growing successfully? What have you grown successfully in the past?

- my experience is - no
- the only way that I think that pulling male plants might have affected anything is if the plants were close together and you disturbed the females quite a bit in the process.


Well-Known Member
strain is something to consider as well as cloning if you dont have enough time in the season for the plant to mature. Clones allow a plant to bud faster at a small stage because that clone is actually matured enough to produce. It's best to start early IMO and use seeds though outside.
If buying seeds look for an early or late finisher depending on how quickly it gets cold or super humid out. Some strains are cold resistant , and you can most likely find a canadian strain designed for where you are.

you could also consider starting inside and starting flowering a couple weeks early inside, then bringing them oustide when it's the same cycles. This will mean the plant is further into flower than it would have been


Well-Known Member
Unless you are growing auto's your a slave to the light cycle. So clone, seed doesn't matter IMO. I am in the eastern part of Ontario and if your strain is longer than an 8-9 week flower your at risk of typically mold or not finishing, most strains can tolerate moderate cold but its mold that ruins the majority of grows. I haven't looked at your strains re: flower time but to do well they really should be close to finished here. Typically i pulled them this week or next. I gave a buddy some white domina last season and it was done two weeks ago last year, so a great strain for outdoors here. What is the flower time for your strains? Best start to research some mold inhibitors if there are any. FYI i have had plants growing in a snow storm in the past lol.


New Member
Awesome, thanks for the replys.

Unfortunally yes , the males were next to females. stupidity on my side i should have started indoors and found out what i had with light prior to throwing them out , wont make that mistake again.
Last year i successfully grew jack herer it was amazing stuff.
i will look into the white domina forsure.. so what exactly does an auto do ? flowers on schedule not light cycle?
thanks again