Outdoor Guerilla 2014


New Member
Hey RIU, thanks for having me in your community. A little about me. I am a long time grower, and medical marijuana patient. I first attempted growing some weed when I was 14 in an outdoor guerilla fashion, and had my plants ripped off. That winter I decided to try and grow in my attic at my Dad's house without getting caught and nearly pulled it off, but had no idea how bad drying plants reeked and was caught and sent away to boarding school. While in kiddie Jail I realized if I was going to be successful in this game I had to get my own place. On my 18th birthday I had my first successful harvest, 6 plants grown on an ebb and flow table in the closet of my 1 bedroom apartment (best birthday in spite of my grow partner not showing up to trim!) and I was hooked. By the time I was 21 I had a full on medical marijuana business in Colorado. I was a licensed caregiver and was making a nice income with 18 plant perpetual harvests. With the recent legalization of MJ in CO I decided "My work here is done" (not that I was solely responsible lol) and moved back to the East Coast. I decided that I would sell my 1 man grow operation (lights ballast etc...) buy a car and head back home.

I met a girl, and I love her more than anything. We moved in together, but she is very suspect to the legality of medical marijuana (no argument yet has won her over). So instead of growing here I decided to get a real job using my college degree. I also am equally passionate about cooking as I am about growing, so I see a future in being a chef with a reasonable grow operation on the side.

This brings me to why I started this thread. I want to ask my girlfriend to marry me, but have little free money on my fixed income. So I got to thinking, "Hmmmm what am I good at that could net enough money for Honeymoon/Wedding expenses in a quick amount of time... I know I will grow some weed!" So I scheduled my appointment for a MMJ card in my new state. My plan is to grow entirely outdoors guerilla style!

If you have read up to here I thank you immensely. First let me outline a bit of my plan and then I will ask questions for you other seasoned grow vets out there. I plan on taking my two week vacation in early April. I have built a few solar powered battery sources, and hope to use them to power several mini greenhouses for my seedlings way off the grid. I will have the seedlings on heat mats underneath 40W T12's way out in the back woods area. I will spend every day of the two weeks digging 5 ft holes and amending the soil (Manure, Coco, Dolomite, etc),and of course taking advantage of the river silt close by. The last day of my two weeks I am going to transfer the babies into 3 gallon pots and place them outside, taking down my makeshift greenhouses. Now, I would put them straight into their permanent homes, but I think that I could benefit from letting the manure do its thing for a month longer.

I will return to the real world. Every week I will go to check on my babies and will be sure to hit them with some organic fertilizers (I have had great success with Canna in the past), always checking my PPMs to make sure they are spot on. To water I plan on burying a long garden hose and using one of my solar battery packs I built to operate a pump from the river to a large reservoir I dig deep in the sticks. After one month, so late in May, I will take them to their happy homes. So far I have scouted three sites but hope to have five with ten plants at each site. 50 plants. I will disguise them and use some braided wire to keep out unwanted critters, and def some coyote urine to keep the deep away. I heard even your own urine frequent enough will work. So far all of my sites are on southern facing hillsides and are getting a lot of sun this time of year (Late flowering). I see plenty of greenery to help disguise my ladies.

I will keep on returning weekly to fertilize my girls and maintain my grow space. At Harvest time, if all goes as planed... keeping finggers crossed now even lol. I will return cut down all of my women and dry them pretty much on site out in the back woods. One thing I did once when living out in colorado (alot more dry I know I am going to run into mould problems out east!) was suspend a line between two trees way up high that had alot of green on them still and I hung the plants on that. Returned in a week and to my huge surprise found all my girls still chilling up in the trees unharmed. Maybe I will try that again. When the plants are dry I will transfer them to their jars, and take them out of the woods. From there the product will be given to my dealer in small incraments and hopefully will net a large sum of cash pretty fast. My guy has been a medical marijuana supplier for a few years now and has lots of clients just no really good quality bud (sorry I have been living out west and am spoiled I'm not saying everyone out here sucks at growing just alot of people).

So questions....
1. Does anybody see any major holes in my plan? I have done a similar setup before, but on a much smaller scale. So with 50-100 plants is this something that could work?

2. Right now I am strain shopping. Because of Deer Hunting season, I would like a fast finisher (maybe early-mid september). Obviously Indicas finish faster. I need something mould resistant because of the huge percent of relative humidity out here on the east coast. Also, because this is a medical grow I need something high quality because my patients always come first, but I didn't do all that future work (like my wording there?) for nothing so a high yielder would be nice. So seeds: Indica dominant, early finisher, mould resistant, high quality, big yield. BC Big Bud came to mind, but I am open to suggestions.

3. Now I know feminized seeds have their best success when grown in optimum conditions... Is it unreasonable to believe that I could pull of a 70%+ female rate in a guerilla grow outdoors with feminized seeds or am I going to end up with 100% herms like all the sad stories on these forums. Does anybody have good results or a forum where somebody pulled off like 90% Fem outdoor guerilla with Fem Seeds?

4. I am going to try 1 or two AutoFlowers, anybody got recommendations?

5. I am going to dig 50 gallon holes line them with plastic, remove obstructions, and amend the soil. I will water and feed my plants regularly. Is it unrealistic to expect a 1/2 lbs to an elbow per plant? My other guerilla grows have been more like throw some bag seed down and get back to my indoor grow and go check on them at the end of the summer. I never yielded more than a QP per plant. But with this much effort and attention, is it possible to pull off maybe a 50 pound summer?

Anyway, all of this has been wracking my brain for a few weeks, and I found great solace the other day when I took a walk throughout the woods where I plan on growing next summer. It calmed my brain immensely. Also, typing everything out like this has helped a great deal too. I look forward to hearing your questions, comments, and concerns. I got the grape ape in my vape and its ready for bed time. Happy smoking RIU and thank you!


ps sorry for the long winded post.
it was a long post, but the topic caught my interest
mostly an indoor grower now, and just small grows
but i used to outdoor in the northeast, not sure if you plan on going that far north
an of the grid greenhouse would be great, but i'd have to say this is going to be a security issue
air sweeps have just gotten to frequent(imo) to not take them into account
you could pull it off, but i think the odds would not be in your favor
Howdy...listen bro....I dont want to rain on your parade BUT...Growing outdoors just carries to many variables with it. I have grown outdoors for years and if you want to have ANY kind of success you have to work your ass off to have a bountiful harvest and thats IF the deer, elk, squirrls dont fuck you over or the two legged critter does not find it...the planet is really not that big bro....seems like there are feet everywhere. Or hope you dont get wiped out with hail like I did earlier this season...it took weeks for my garden to make a come back from the beating they took with hail. So now we are getting close to the finish line right....mid Sept...buds are putting on some weight..I'm finally breathing a sigh of relief right...NOT. Have you seen what the rain is doing in Colorado??? The worst thing that we could be having this time of year...RAIN RAIN RAIN and more RAIN. I have been out in the rain for three FUCKEN days trying to tie shit up because the branches are so dam heavy from bud weight and now full of water. Branches are snapping off like twigs and to finish my little RANT, today I spotted the first sign of bud rot.

Soooo having said that, I think that every outdoor grower that reads this post will be able to relate to the perils of outdoor growing and that the only one in control of that gig is Mother Nature!! Good luck amigo! Hope it all works out K. IMA go have a fucken drink...I need one!

You obviously puy a lot of thought into this. All I can say is outdoor guerilla in the North East is risky. Not impossible, if you scatter your plots like your propose its a matter of taking the small precautions(not taking same path to plot twice in a row...etc..) to avoid detection. But it does seem like your initial investment is high, i would consider doing some indoor growing but im talking large indoor. Rent a large place and just grow for a single cycle and get out... I can see a one man 50 pound operation being too much, i would aim for 10. Makes things easier and that will still fetch guap here in new york or other east coast states. Dont be greedy and over reach. I wish yiu the best of luck brother, peace.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read my post. I am very sorry to hear of your misfortune bear! I do agree that Mother Nature and foot traffic are the two uncontrollable variables. I think I am going to go 100% at this and pray for the best. I have seen friends of mine pull off great outdoor northeast, just never guerilla style. I think my loacation is good, and as to the off grid green house being an eye sore it should only be up for a month at most and should be small and camoflauged well.

Growingforpeace, I appreciate the words of wisdom. I would love to get back indoors, I just don't have the initial start up capital to do what I truly want. If all goes well next summer I will most def get a legit indoor location and start working towards becoming a medical supplier again. I love the idea of outdoors as well because no electric bill. My 5KW grow in CO my electric bill was insane and I was always stressed about it being a factor to the cops kicking in my front door. So now I am investing alot into learning about solar, water, and gas alternatives to electricity. I think that one could ideally use all 4 and operate with no suspicion. Anyway off topic. I agree as I was laying in bed trying to sleep I thought about 50 lbs. And was like OMG it takes me about 15 minutes to trim an ounce when I am flying could you imagine 50 elbows alone in the woods up to your neck in work
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read my post. I am very sorry to hear of your misfortune bear! I do agree that Mother Nature and foot traffic are the two uncontrollable variables. I think I am going to go 100% at this and pray for the best. I have seen friends of mine pull off great outdoor northeast, just never guerilla style. I think my loacation is good, and as to the off grid green house being an eye sore it should only be up for a month at most and should be small and camoflauged well.

Growingforpeace, I appreciate the words of wisdom. I would love to get back indoors, I just don't have the initial start up capital to do what I truly want. If all goes well next summer I will most def get a legit indoor location and start working towards becoming a medical supplier again. I love the idea of outdoors as well because no electric bill. My 5KW grow in CO my electric bill was insane and I was always stressed about it being a factor to the cops kicking in my front door. So now I am investing alot into learning about solar, water, and gas alternatives to electricity. I think that one could ideally use all 4 and operate with no suspicion. Anyway off topic. I agree as I was laying in bed trying to sleep I thought about 50 lbs. And was like OMG it takes me about 15 minutes to trim an ounce when I am flying could you imagine 50 elbows alone in the woods up to your neck in work

LMAO....Ya..I know what thats like. Its not a day project for sure and to be frank...it gets to the point where you wonder how or when the Fuck you are ever going to get done...and thats no shit. I have had to do it with nasty weather approaching...nasty as in freezing. Like I said...its a shit ton of work!! Hope it all works out for you brody!!
Bear, Thank you much for your good wishes. And best of luck to you with finishing out this season. There is still a month left, and if there is one tihng colorado is known for its being dry, so I have faith that your crop will dry out and return to prestine condition. Do you have a journal? I always liked in CO getting to grow way up on the mountain where it was steep so the water would just rush away. I liked to plant right along the tree line to disguise the crop with the other weeds in that area and the backdrop of the evergreens. It all kinda blends at a point. Hope all is well and your rain passes. I saw on facebook kids floating on innertubes right in downtown Boulder. I lived there for six years and never saw it that bad.

Maybe I will find a secure place to trim and dry, make hash, and BHO so I can bring in a trimmer to help split some of the work without exposing my whole crop to him. I'll figure it out its a year away, a year of sleepless nights itching to get back in the MMJ world again.
If you have future plans to grow indoors; I would spend this year saving up money in a "grow-fund" and collecting the beans that you'd like for your garden. Start out with some bagseed until your new spot is dialed in and then hit it w/ nice genetics. An outdoor grow would be nice but don't put too much effort or risk into something you'll only use for one year. Any indoor grow room that receives a year of preparation from a seasoned grower will be a good one. GL
hey there, i like everything execpt your start time..I live in the northeast and can tell u if you put plants outside in late april i would think that the cold temps would kill them or atleast turn them into herms... i am no expert but i know that we can still get snow in the beginning of may... if it were me and i could schedule some time off i would start some seeds in late may early june and take you vacation in mid june to do your planting...i have some plants outside right now that i put outside in late june and they are almost seven feet tall.
DONT LET YOUR WOMAN KNOW!! that's all I'm gonna say, If she's "suspect to the legality" as you say, no good will come from her knowing
If you are successful (and I really hope you will be), won't your fiancee be suspicious of your new-found wealth? Even if you only get half of what you're hoping for, with east coast prices that's a lot of $$$. Good luck, brother! I look forward to seeing the harvest porn.
WOW everybody thank you all for the great encouragement! I am going to try and respond to all the posts systematically, my apologies if I miss your post in my reply. So first, as I said earlier I would love nothing more than to grow indoors, but to make the kind of change($) I am looking for I would need maybe 10K to start indoors; unfortunately I just do not have the start up cash. I am going to do my outdoor for under 3K which is something I can save up before next season. I have the first few hundo stashed away in my grow fund.

Secondly, I agree that late april might be a bit early to start out here in the northeast, however I believe that the MiniGreenhouses I am going to build on location should keep the plants nice and toasty warm for the first month, and then they can go in the ground late may early june. Hope to have 10'+ beasts at the end of the season!

As to my lady, she isn't going to care that I want to make money growing a little herb outdoors. She is a smoker, and a few of her good friends are prominent members of the MMJ community in our state. I agree that maybe from here on out I should not talk to her too much more about it, but she would not care she just doesn't want it in our home because it would stress her out too much. She loves to smoke and loves to shop for shoes so I doubt she will be like oh baby you should cut them all down lol.

Lastly Thank you much for the good wishes and best of luck to all of you in your grow adventures. I am going to take apart one of my battery packs and put it back together with step by step instructions and plenty of pictures and post it as a start to my grow journal for this project. When I do I will post a link on this thread so you all will have access to my adventure!

Happy Harvests good friends!

Came off as a little too cocky or confident in your first few sentences or w/e almost like your boasting.
Regardless I live in the "North East" area and lets just say your better off doing what some said and renting a place for 3-4 months setting up shop and getting out quick with no trace (Plastic everywhere like dexter) and use carbon filters and ona gel in the front door / windows. Its not that hard I know people that have pulled it off even witnessed it. Can easily spend about $2500 or less and have a 1 bedroom place with a SoG style grow or tons of autos like you wanted. I know a few people right now I visit from time to time that do this in NJ and NYC very easy. Just don't go outdoor especially with the weather the northeast has been having the last couple of years a storm will rip your plants out. Shit I only use a 400 watt hps and I got about 1lb off one closet grow.
Sorry to come off cocky or boasting, that was not what I intended. I just wanted to give the full scope of my experience so that all factors were understood and taken into consideration. I absolutely love growing ganja and other herbs and vegetables. I would love to go indoors as said, but I just feel like IF I could pull this off the cost to profit ratio would be way in my favor. Thanks for taking the time to read my post! Hope you keep pulling elbows out of 400W thats super impressive, I have trouble getting even close to that with a 6. Will consider putting some money aside for an indoor op like you suggested.
I like your ambition, but do realize the immense amount of time you will spend trimming. Assuming you do end up with 50 plants.

To comment on the seed part of your post. I have used fem seeds in multiple grows and never had a hermie. That being said, it's important to choose seeds from a reputable seed bank that has been producing fems for awhile.

Don't overlook seed selection in the northeast. Grey mold is a killer here.. I've heard good things about a Canadian strain "texada timewarp", but its only available in reg seeds.

Good luck
I like your ambition, but do realize the immense amount of time you will spend trimming. Assuming you do end up with 50 plants.

To comment on the seed part of your post. I have used fem seeds in multiple grows and never had a hermie. That being said, it's important to choose seeds from a reputable seed bank that has been producing fems for awhile.

Don't overlook seed selection in the northeast. Grey mold is a killer here.. I've heard good things about a Canadian strain "texada timewarp", but its only available in reg seeds.

Good luck

Thanks man I will check out those seeds and see if they are a good fit. I hope that I get all females! I do know I will be spending many hours trimming if I am 100% successful, but I work 60 hours a week right now as a chef, and that is alot of toll on my mind and body. If I had 50 plants all with a good amount of bud on them I would def quit my job and trim for a month straight if it meant I didn't have to work so hard in the kitchen all the time. I do love working as a chef, but if this grow nets enough money hopefully I can just take a part time job as a line cook and focus all these hours into like a grow house or something so I make better money and don't work as hard. If this works I will do it every year!

Has anyone on here in the northeast ever had their plants ripped because of fly overs. A friend of mine grows in a huge green house right in his back yard. Its secluded and all, but I feel like if the cops are doing fly overs in the area than they certainly would have some questions for him, but he has never been bothered.

thanks again!
Yea I forgot that but https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/ or something like that is a great site for seeds, read the descriptions but if you do plan on going with outdoors there are a lot of strains that are VERY resistant to mould, mildew, bugs, and diesese. I believe some of the best genetics come from Dinafem, Barneys Farm, DNA/Genetics, Delicouse seeds, Serious seeds, and GDP Orignals in my opinion at least. The type of plants that were built for resistence would be perfect for your outdoor op considering you never know if you could get bugs or mold. I grew one of those resistant plants and I dont know for sure if its true but I had humidity in my area that hit 90% for about a week or two and those plants never got mold or powdery mildew or anything bad.

If you go with the indoor you said you have a 600watt and not pulling 4oz? Do you have the ability to continue growing using the 600watt or are you only able to grow outside now? I think you could easily get up to 4-8ozs with one plant with a 600watt under optimal conditions. Instead of making a post, look for very expereienced guerilla grower on this site (Think I've seen a few journals) and ask them for advice since they would have the best. I basically kinda did the same thing, looked for people that grew the strains I was currently germinating and asked them on their thoughts / advice and they helped me a lot.

I really do hope you go with indoor and just using your 600watt if you even do a small tent grow you can keep it under $500 and make $1000 back easy off one plant (Assuming your selling in city area) I'd buy like a cheap $150 tent that is big enough for 4 3gal pots and grow 4 nice sized plants I suggest 4 topping as well to increase your yield by 4 on each plant, might be a tight grow but you'll get your moneys worth.
in upstate NY there are copter sweeps/busts going on right now
and they were nailed by the copters, it's a real threat
in upstate NY there are copter sweeps/busts going on right now
and they were nailed by the copters, it's a real threat

Damn I am so scared of those assholes getting my shit. I know that my state is incredibly broke, and we all enjoy marijuana so the laws have laxed. I have found other guerilla journals, all started no harvest porn. This has me scared, but if anyone could pull it off I know I could. Hopefully they wont be doing flyovers, and if they do I pray they don't get mine. I have been typing in grow busts with my state name, and all that comes up are indoor ones. Maybe they are out there in the sticks cuttin down dope and the reporters either don't know or don't care. Thanks for the post. I was thinking about growing a bunch of random other trees but fertizler and dispersing them amongst my ganja patches. Hopefully the late in the season greenery will keep the cheba from standing out so much. Its just more work and more money because the random trees and plants to camoflauge the weed would have to be as healthy and strong so that the weed doesn't stick out. It could be alot of work. Maybe I will grow hops so I can brew some beer.

Any ideas on other advanced grow methods to escape detection from the air? Thanks for the post.

