Outdoor Guerilla Grow: Slugs & Earthworms & Smell

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Spray with a Liquid Seaweed mitxure, and it will toughen the Plants bark system so much, because it's healthy for your Plant, the Mites can't bore into the Plant. No more Spider Mites, no glossing the photocells with oil, no Pesticide like Sevin, no chemical strips and all the above shit. (Sorry Guys). Mix with molasses, foliar feed every 2 weeks, until 2 weeks prior to harvest. A Garlic'Pepper spary, which is NOT harmful to your plant will help with other pest. A Calin Clay tea, sprayed on plants will fuck-up the grasshoppers, & add trace minerials to the Babies. See the "Library" at dirtdoctor.com to verify & also learn some other cool shit.


Active Member
before seeing this message I sprayed them garlic&pepper&neem&soap =)

thanks man, I've already starting using hesi starter kit. (+seaweed would be too much I guess)


Active Member
dunno how much to go

I'm feeding them 2.5 lt + hesi soil flowering every 3-4 days.

though i've already sprayed them every week with neem oil, there is still some pest activity.

not so much like before, I can spot bigger predators hanging around =)

how much to go do you think? (4th photo from top-left is the latest one 6-jpg)

imho 3 weeks at least.



Active Member
the one on the right is at least 120cm in height.

other is 40-50cm but looks a lot more potent.

I've forgot which is what but my guess:

right- super critical automatic
left- automazar (or big devil #2)

the one on the right is the biggest auto plant I've ever seen + pistils shooting from everywhere!


Hi, was the smell a problem in the end? I am facing very similar issues, going to try a grow in my garden, its not over looked, but only a panelled fence and a bamboo plant away from one neighbour. So if the smell is intense I might give it a miss. I'd appreciate your help, this is my first ever post. I'm looking at something like Big Buddha Super Automatic Sativa.