outdoor help im stumped


Active Member

Got you guys a video instead temps running mid 70s to low 90s night time temp is mid 40s to high 50s a little cold at night plants have a little purple due to coldness and just transplanted into fox farms OF when can I start feeding also ocean forrest states that. Began feeding after 30 days because OF has nutrients already in it or should I start feeding now I have FF fertilizer grow big big bloom and tiger bloom help me out first outdoor grow second grow all together just finished indoor buds were potent but very airy due to cfl lights and me being a noob now trying outdoor from cen cal if that helps too right off the coast line

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
They look fine for 18 day old plants. Just have some patience and they should easily recover from any transplant shock. No ferts or amendments needed at this point. Sunshine, water and time.