outdoor+indoor Sativa grow in Mumbai(need advice in general)


New Member
hello rollitup

i am from Mumbai

after reading 20-30 topics on various forums ....i have decided to grow marijuana for medical purpose (pain relief for arthritis) ..... 95% of yield ( in case of success ) will be used in/for edible... so i am hoping for good results ;)

it is my first serious attempt so i decided to try my luck with bag seed

aim is to grow like PC grow box... for setup...small expections...small yield !!

soil is taken from river side farm ...soil is rich in humus ( black+red in color...)

temp - 30*c ( 85-95*f... sometimes 95* also... super hot and super humid 75% humidity and both plants are enjoying it with no burn issues )

two plants... turns out to be 1) pure sativa 2) sativa hybrid or hemp... not sure !! both female ! ( pic is added for both )

feeding - in veg i gave 19-19-19 npk dose
after switching 12/12 light ... i am feeding 12-61-00 n-p-k ( pic is added )

i have performed topping , LST... to keep it as short as possible.

after almost 5 weeks i have decided to end veg period & have switched 12/12
it is receiving super crazy direct sunlight for 8-9 hour + 1 hour indirect light + 1 hour of light while sunset ( warm... red in color)
its been 5 days since 12/12

so enough of background story... problem is

1st ) yesterday i did Supercropping ..( Crimping ) doing it in early weeks of flowring is good or i did mistake? ( after Crimping my fingures giving away fresh sweet smell of marijuana ;) ))
2nd ) how bad it is going to smell by the mid/end stages ? as i am worried about intense smell. ( though gowring is not issue with my parents stil i am worried for outsiders and neighbours as not all neighbours are goood :) ))
3rd) last 3 weeks of veg and after switching it for 12/12 is getting good amount of natural ligth but in case of less direct light it is fine to switch to cfl after all these weeks ?
4rd) i noticed that street light is reaching directly on both plants so to minimize risk of fucking up dark period m keeping plants in cardbord box.. just for dark peroid.. so switching plants in and out is big prob?
5) on few leafs there are white dots... m not able to figure out why are they appearing?

sorry if my english is bad... english is not my mother tongue language


Well-Known Member
white dots? check under the leaves for small white balls. and look for thin spide webs. you may have a spidermite problem. and keep that streetlight away from your plants. other than that your all good. :mrgreen: