Outdoor ns


I was wondering if anyone is growing in Nova scotia and noes how much longer till harvest,( just so I have an idea of when to flush) and how often should I feed my Plant big bug


Active Member
Not as often as you'd think. Pics are good to deteremine harvest date, otherwise it's a crap shoot depending on strain, seed or clone, pots or ground, nutes and what kind and when etc.


Iunno what kind strain it has a real fruity smell, it's in a recycling can, probly spent close to 100 bucks to make a real good soil, with bat guano , perlite, and some other things( thats all i member it was last year when me n my buddy went splits on the stuff) it was from seed, and Was feeding it bud blood for bout 4 weeks then switched to big bug bout 2-3 weeks ago, I was feeding it every 3-4 days if j could ( if it didnt rain then I'd skip thee nutes)


Well-Known Member
Hey Scotia.. I am in NS to and am in week 4 of flowering on my furthest ahead lady's. I plan on letting them go until the end of OCT weather permitting. I have been using a mixture of CarboLoad/Big Bud (just experimenting) twice a week, along with my reg nutes since week 3 and they seem to be enjoying it.

First pic is from an unknown bagseed clone, that a friend grows in his aerogarden. This girl just started week 3. Real nice smoke.

Second is a Blueberry strain (not sure exact genetics) but it is some of the most dank smelling stuff ive smoked. I had some slug/Yellowing last week, but it seems to be under controll now (checked today, no pics) She is in week 4.

bigboi sept 5b.jpg

bb1 sept 5c.jpg

Hope this helps! GL.


heres some pics i toook tody, can someone tell me what the white stuff is in the 3rd pic, it rubs off when i rubbed it with my fingers is it some kind of mold that i should worrie bout, thanks, and let me no what you think, and maybe estimate what week of flower you think they are i lost track


They look good too lol, It look like to me that mine is in the same week as your blueberry strain , do you just leave them outside day and night or do you put anything over then at night cuz the nights are startin to get pretty cold, which is scarin me, ppl I have talked to say that ppl are already harvesting there crop and that mine might not finish fully before I have to chop er down


Well-Known Member
Nice tree!! I got a late start this year, and didn't get them out till the mid of June.. They didnt get as bushy as I'd hoped for. Just experimenting this year with a few things before I go balls deep next year (when I will be legal..:) Your right, its been getting pretty cold this past week..Nothing serious yet though. I dont cover the ones I have in the woods, and won't unless I see a frost warning..:) I do have a few more in my back yard that I cover every night to manipulate the light hours (again, experimenting) and its not hurting them.


Well-Known Member
can someone tell me what the white stuff is in the 3rd pic, it rubs off when i rubbed it with my fingers is it some kind of mold that i should worrie bout, thanks, and let me no what you think, and maybe estimate what week of flower you think they are i lost track
Looks like powdery mildew.