outdoor nutes


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what everyone uses, I'm getting some new nutes sometime this week after burning my 4 footer with a quarter tsp. of miracle grow.


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tried to be an arrogant shithead and made yourself look stupid


Well-Known Member
Pelleted Peruvian Sea Bird Guano All Purpose 10-10-2.5 Concentrated natural fertilizer that provides abundant nutrients for healthy plant growth. Famous guano known throughout history as the exclusive fertilizer of the Inca civilization and produced by sea birds that thrive on fish in a extreme environment. Pellets will breakdown with water allowing adequate fertilization in a low maintenance method. Recommended for all outdoor flowers, fruits and vegetables. Use one to two teaspoons per vegetable transplant or 8 inch diameter container. For established plants use one tablespoon, scratched into soil a few inches away from stem. Pellets can be used once for the entire growing season of growth. For liquid plant food - mix one teaspoon per gallon of water, use as needed for growth. 2 and 10 pound bags.

Sunleaves Jamaican Bat Guano Nothing is better for blooming flowers or ripening fruits than pure, high-phosphorus Sunleaves Jamaican Bat Guano (1-10-0.2). Now listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI), Jamaican Bat Guano is most effectively used at the root zone to heighten root and flower development. Sunleaves Jamaican Bat Guano Gardeners can amend their soil with it, use it as a top dressing or create a "guano tea" and apply it directly to plant roots in a fortified water dilution. Eco-friendly harvesting from centuries-old cave deposits. Available in 2.2 pound bags or an 11 pound box.


Well-Known Member
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tried to be an arrogant shithead and made yourself look stupid
he wasnt being arrogant u asked for info and he gave you a link to find it, do you want him to come over to your house and grow it for you too?


Well-Known Member
you want easy and effective ? im of the opinion after tha use of a couple of good liquid ferts fox farms and botnicare that organic dry ferts are the way 2 go ..


New Member
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tried to be an arrogant shithead and made yourself look stupid

You just made yourself look like a right fucking cunt mate, look at what you just did you MORON - He just gave you a link to help you and then you go and call him arrogant? And then you think HE looks stupid?

Mate, YOU look stupid - you dont even know what ferts to use, your a flaming amature and you dont deserve any help. You idiot.