

Well-Known Member
Hey guys =)

I went full outdoor for this one. Started her off with some bone meal for the roots and because I get REALLY good drainage, I feed her a high (10-9-9-9) time release, all purpose organic fert (besides my own compost). I started feeding her around the second week. I gave her a little more along with an eggshell tea around the second week of flower. All organic. She gets full sun for about 10 hours. A little leafy but, the bud production is the best I've ever had. Every node is bursting. I topped her at about two weeks and have left every branch but the first set because they are all doing so well. Trichomes are huge and sugary already. The smell is SO cheesy. Pictures don't do justice but, I'll take with a better camera at the end. Needless to say, I will be going outdoor from now on.

Around 2 weeks. 2 or 3 days after topping IMG_20140404_184301.jpg IMG_20140404_184308.jpg 5 days later. IMG_20140409_103238.jpg

A little less than 3 weeks after that. I've been a little sloppy with keeping time on this one but if I had to guess I'd say this is about 2.5 3 weeks of flower. IMG_20140409_103249.jpg IMG_20140423_095740.jpg IMG_20140423_095747.jpg IMG_20140423_095725.jpg

1398530108891.jpg 1398530121622.jpg 1398530153248.jpg To date, 4 days after last pics. She looks like she's got about 6 weeks left, give or take. Early, she was a very fast strain on every level. She germinated and gave me a solid root after 48 hours in water. I didn't even transfer it into the paper towel/ziplock. Had water leaves in a day or two and the first set of fan leaves were there about 4 days after going into soil. Started flowering around 4-5 weeks. I planned on giving her a long veg but, even with the days getting longer, she flowered. Not sure if this is normal but, compared to my other plants she moved about twice as fast in the early stages.

Leaves are bug free and green. I used my own personal, homemade, organic bug repellent until she started flowering. It's basically just clove, rosemary, cinnamon and thyme (whole) simmered in olive oil. Strain, add a little non-chemical dish-soap and fill the rest of the sprayer with rain or filtered water. Stems are thick and strong. Any advice, info, or input is greatly appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
Actually, I need to make a correction. I was using a 10-9-9-9 (on previous plants)...but I switched it up a bit. For this plant, I started with just bone meal that's 6%(N)-9%(P2O5)-7%(Ca)...then around the 2nd week I added a 3%(N)-4%(P2O5)-2%(K2O)-2%(Ca) all purpose. Tough to keep track cause I grow a bunch of other stuff too, lol. Like I mentioned, I grow in sand which makes drainage very fast. I wouldn't recommend this (time release) for pots or heavy soil. I have nute-locked a potted plant using the 10-9-9-9.
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Well-Known Member
Update (5/11) - 5th week or so of flower. Pistils starting to redden. Some leaves juuuust starting to fade to yellow :-D. Getting really dense, got some fox tails, smell is STRONG. Smell in the wind from far away, strong. At this pace, lookin like a few weeks left. Gettin close!5122014 015.JPG 5122014 010.JPG 5122014 012.JPG


Well-Known Member
UPDATE (5/17) - Almost 7 days from last shots and man, she just keeps getting bigger/denser. Had a few days of cloudy, rainy weather and she loved it. Wk 7. Unless she speeds up, I'm going to guess 10 wks. Though some of the earlier buds may be good in a week or two. 51714 002.JPG 51714 016.JPG 51714 019.JPG 51714 020.JPG 51714 021.JPG 51714 029.JPG


Well-Known Member
What amount of Bone do you use if I may ask? I got a lil nute burn and am not sure if it was the Blood or Bone meals.

Edit: Oh and they are some really healthy looking plants you got there. I'm also 99% Organic.


Well-Known Member
What amount of Bone do you use if I may ask? I got a lil nute burn and am not sure if it was the Blood or Bone meals.

Edit: Oh and they are some really healthy looking plants you got there. I'm also 99% Organic.
Thanks. I used very little. About 3 teaspoons mixed in the soil a week before I dropped the bean in. Then, I literally sprinkle a tiny bit in the hole just to help with initial root growth. I always go less than the recommended dose (A TBSP. per gallon, I believe). Easier to supplement and feed more later, than remove it.

Even with the all-purpose, I tried to feed the plant in stages. Bone meal for root development early. At 2-3 weeks I added the all purpose (about half the recommended dose). And I have been top dressing with compost and simple teas throughout flower. Of course my soil is established so, it's pretty rich.
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Well-Known Member
UPDATE (5/25) - It's a big one! Went to check on the girl this morning and she is very close. About 70% of the pistils went dark...amber trichs at about 20%. Cloudy like 75%. Few clear. Chopping INC :hump:DSCN0585.JPG DSCN0586.JPG DSCN0595.JPG DSCN0599.JPG DSCN0605.JPG DSCN0613.JPG DSCN0614.JPG