Outdoor plant it and leave it


Okay so here's the plan essentially. I don't have time this summer to tend to my crop full time and really get the quality I should be going for, because I am going to be working more or less full time. For this reason I am planning an all natural grow so to speak.

I have access to a secluded piece of property, and have roughly 40 seeds. Most of these seeds are of good quality and I got them from some seeded Willie Nelson Haze, a sativa, grown in full sunlight all organic, so I already know what the dank will be like if I do much the same thing.

I plan on making three main trips up to the property, which is several hours from where I live. The first trip will be to plant the germinated seeds, the second to chop down the males, and the third to harvest. I will also likely make several maintenance trips in between to make sure all my girls are doing alright.

The place I will be planting has a fairly high water table already with a creek running near by, and due to its placement in the hills it always has a layer of dew on the ground. The soil is also of good quality, it's full of nutrients since it has been composting for hundreds of years in this relatively untouched area.

As soon as the plants are in the ground I will get some pictures up here, and will also keep posting periodically as I visit them. Basically I'm new to this outdoor thing, as I've only ever dabbled in some pathetic indoor grows, so any help would be more then welcome.


Active Member
since you won't be visiting the plants much for watering..get 4 inch PVC piping, cut it at 4 feet, drill small holes in it approximately every 4-6 inches, cap bottom, put a piece of screen on the top (to filter debreis debris) and put it in the ground next to the plant. this will gather some rain water and help your plants out somewhat in a drought.

maybe consider some time released nutes, like heavy harvest. they only have to be used 3 times a growing season. once at the beginning for veg, once in the summer for the transition period and lastly in the fall for flowering


Active Member
your plants will be thirsty and hungry. set up a drip system using a car battery, and a small water pump with some hose. easy to make look it up. that way your soil will always be cool and moist for your babies roots. and just heavy feed them whenever you can. without some kind of system your plants will easily dry out fast. when they're flowering, they can dry out in a couple of days because they're obvioiusly the hungriest/thirstiest during this time of heavy production.


since you won't be visiting the plants much for watering..get 4 inch PVC piping, cut it at 4 feet, drill small holes in it approximately every 4-6 inches, cap bottom, put a piece of screen on the top (to filter debreis debris) and put it in the ground next to the plant. this will gather some rain water and help your plants out somewhat in a drought.

maybe consider some time released nutes, like heavy harvest. they only have to be used 3 times a growing season. once at the beginning for veg, once in the summer for the transition period and lastly in the fall for flowering

Thanks thats good advice about the time released nutes, I'm looking to have this grow all organic because I cant stand the taste of chemicals, so I was probably going to feed the plants with some sort of compost tea, do you know of any timed released organic nutes. if there is such a thing lol


your plants will be thirsty and hungry. set up a drip system using a car battery, and a small water pump with some hose. easy to make look it up. that way your soil will always be cool and moist for your babies roots. and just heavy feed them whenever you can. without some kind of system your plants will easily dry out fast. when they're flowering, they can dry out in a couple of days because they're obvioiusly the hungriest/thirstiest during this time of heavy production.
I've actually decided im now going start with more like 60 seeds, and they wont all be right in one spot because i dont want to attract too much attention, and i wont be able to afford that many car batteries or anything. With eight or so of the good plants though ill take your advice only I have a gift certificate to Amazon.com so I'm going to get a solar pump instead for the irrigation system, which i figure will also last longer then the battery


Active Member
Advanced Nutrients sells a one time fertilizer called Heavy Harvest, for outdoor plants. It says you only need to feed your plants every 3-5 weeks, I think i've heard it worked great. You have a shit load of seeds so this should work well


Well unfortunately i am still in the process of getting my card, and got rolled up on my a police man while i had my seeds on me. rat bastard took them and my trees and didnt cite me or my buddy. guarantee hes smoking all the stuff he never had to report to evidence. in either case, my seeds are gone and im now going to start up a new thread for my five babies started from seed a few months ago. about to put them in the ground


Active Member
Thanks thats good advice about the time released nutes, I'm looking to have this grow all organic because I cant stand the taste of chemicals, so I was probably going to feed the plants with some sort of compost tea, do you know of any timed released organic nutes. if there is such a thing lol

Organicare is what I'm using. It's organic and time released. I've used it with good success.