outdoor plant problem

so i have four of them outside...all of them in the same soil in a raised bed, all organic compost and perlite and topsoil mixed together. i noticed today when i went out and looked at them that the biggest one the leaves are starting to look unhealthy. the other three are as pretty as can be. the strain is afghan kush, its about 3 weeks into flower. use fox farm nutrients on all the plants. what could this be? any help would be great just figure if they are all in the same soil shouldnt they all be experiencing the same problems? let me know if you guys have any input, here is a pic of 2 of the leaves i chopped off


Well-Known Member
Hey Mike..Look at my pics on "Is this a strain problem" ? I have one plant that is doing the exact same thing...three plants and only one with browning edges that are crispy. It also seems worse on the plant where the sun is hitting it the most.
so does anyone else have any ideas how to cure this? more and more leave tips and edges are browning and getting crispy.....its only about 75-80 degrees here everyday now, it sat out in 100 plus degrees all summer and no crispyness at all. and now its cooled off and good rain water the one is looking crappy. the bud sites look good but just the leaves look bad. please give me ideas i know someone here knows what i need to do


Well-Known Member
The little "burnt" dots look like leaf spot blight (a fungal infection). I don't know about the tips and edges, though. Could be a few things...


Active Member
Probably wouldn't hurt to put some neem oil on em... We had a couple probs and it seems lime it took care of it.

Green Please

Active Member
I had this problem with one my plants earlier in the season. when this happened to me I just kept watering it like normal and kinda ignored it. in only a few days my whole plant was nearly dead and crispy. after seeing that i just flushed the fuck out of the 5 gal bucket it was in and now it is a beautiful plant that will be done within about a week. If your soil drains well I don't think flushing it will hurt, that's probably your best bet. Here is a picture of that plant so dont worry about it too hard just take care of it soon.