outdoor plant too indoors????!?!?!?! help plz


Well-Known Member
hey its going to rain all week pretty badly so i set up 6 26 watt cfls and 1 42 watt one gonna order seeds online then gonna grow them with cfls anyways my plant is almost a month old will this be okay and what light schedule should i have it on thxs for the help *****new pics up**** is this alright for a week???



Well-Known Member
You'll stress your plants if you bring them inside the plants should be fine. Just bring them inside at night and put them back out first thing in the morning.


Well-Known Member
hey so theres know way for me to finish growing her inside becuz i started way late and i just thought i could finish inside so i cant do this now???


Active Member
Well thats pretty much what I ended up doing. I think you should be fine, it might stress it a little at first but Im pretty sure it will get over it, but im not an expert just giving you my opinion.


Active Member
Dont worry, been there dont that. Just phase it in a little by try to still get it some sun here and there for a week or so then you can go 100% CFL from then on.

See below it will be ok. :-)

