Outdoor plants dying!


Well-Known Member
I have 20 Arjan's Haze #2 clones in the ground for 2 months now. They didn't grow much the first month because the temps were low, but they did establish themselves well outdoors. They survived 2 big storms with 60mph winds, while my tomato plants weren't so lucky. Anyhow, they range in size from 3'-4.5' with most of them being around 4' now. They were all about a 1'-1.5' when I transplanted them. There is minimal insect damage to the leaves and the wildlife has left them alone. It's currently raining almost every 2 days... nothing real major, but enough to give them a nice drink. They usually get 6-7 hours of sunlight a day and aside from the soil being rocky and weedy the conditions seem ideal.

Problem is last week I went out to see them and one plant looked real bad. Today I went back to check them and there are 5 others that look the exact same. I wish I had pictures, but I didn't take my camera with me so I'll try to explain. All of the said plants are real limp looking with pale green leaves on top and the further down they turn yellow. What could be going on? Could it be all the weeds sucking everything out of the soil and chocking the roots?


Well-Known Member
Are you giving them any nutes? If your aren't then thats your problem they need some Nitrogen for the yellowing.


Well-Known Member
No nutes, I figured the soil had enough to support them because it's virgin soil. I will water them with some tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
No nutes, I figured the soil had enough to support them because it's virgin soil. I will water them with some tomorrow.
Get a basic 20-20-20 for veg...10-25-20 flower..It sounds like N prob..It needs nutes even in "most" outside soils...plus with all that rain, that can be a prob. I've never had rain prob. before (lucky) but this year we've had way too much...If the wet keeps up, put a plastic right under plant to help stop the direct water thing...let the plant LOOK for water...Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Get a basic 20-20-20 for veg...10-25-20 flower..It sounds like N prob..It needs nutes even in "most" outside soils...plus with all that rain, that can be a prob. I've never had rain prob. before (lucky) but this year we've had way too much...If the wet keeps up, put a plastic right under plant to help stop the direct water thing...let the plant LOOK for water...Good Luck
Yea i agree feed them and they will explode with growth.
yo, im new to this website but im still tryin to figure out how to use this, but uh im havin the same problem as the guy above, the one with the yellow leaves n shit, they were doin great and then they just started to get yellow'r and yellow'r..so one of you said nitrogen works to help it?
msg back a.s.a.p, thanks


Well-Known Member
Could be that since they were small and undeveloped @ transplant the other plants sucked the life out of them.Best bet is to get some 20-20-20 and feed them well. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!