Outdoor question


Well-Known Member
hey guys hows it going, heres my question:
Alright I live in Australia and Im gonna plant outdoors. The forest im gonna plant the eight plants in is not exactly the safest thing (theres weird people sometimes almost rarely cleaning up like weeds lol yes Weeds) so I don't know if i should plant my weed straight into the ground or have them in big pots so I can move em around when danger aproaches. But big pots arent exactly very stealthy.... so yea some help would be appreciated,


Well-Known Member
Man you're stuck between a rock & a hard place...Can't you find a place that doesn't seem to have it's own tourist bureau.......even a forced march to see your plants is OK as long as there "ARE" plants to march to....
Good luck friend..


Active Member
how's it goin there mate, may i ask where bouts in oz are u?? and wat type of "people are clearing these forrests"


Well-Known Member
hey man im from sydney what about you?
These people arent clearing forests there just volunteered people to clean up the place a bit. But I havent seen any people in there for a while... so yea and that sorta is my only option to plant. So watd u reckon, pot or ground?
and also does weed stand out alot when theres lots of foliage and bushes and trees and everything?


Active Member
hey man im from sydney what about you?
These people arent clearing forests there just volunteered people to clean up the place a bit. But I havent seen any people in there for a while... so yea and that sorta is my only option to plant. So watd u reckon, pot or ground?
and also does weed stand out alot when theres lots of foliage and bushes and trees and everything?
mate i'm from cairns, ah ok, when i used to live in a place called ravenshoe lived near rainforests thatwas all good for weed except for one thing army training there every 6 months, and incorporated with army trainin was drug raids thru out the area there was only one way my plants survived all the commotion ine the forests, your best bet would be to have your plants in big pots and actually place the pots up in the trees so people walkin past them cant really spot them but make sure they are in a tree with a lot of foliage so spotter planes cant spot them out easily


Active Member
another thing how close do u live to the forest that u are going to put these plants into, just remember u do need to keep a close eye on them but also in a non sus way


Well-Known Member
hey guys glad to see some ozzies on here, yea I live about 700 meters from my secret place so its a bit of a trek carriing big pots there and up the trees, dont you think just planting em in the ground would be alright?


Well-Known Member
yea sweet, and by the way for all the aussies obviously Im planting outdoors now( in winter ) so ill let you know how the grow goes. lol ive never grown in winter but its not that bad here in OZ as its never too cold(just worried about the constant rain at the moment).


Active Member
up in the north here i still grow outdoors it doesnt get cold enough to really do any damage, well on the coast anyway, if i was up in the great dividing range my crop would be just bout ready to pull, i have got 4 new plants in the back yard only bout 4 inches high, this is my ninth grow, but as i was saying earlier my preffered time of planting is bout november december when we get alot of light then as it gets colder the climate helps to mature the buds, its all with working in the season and the moons


Active Member
in south west wa
first put in were eaten by ants!!!!
took me a while to find some more seeds,so put some down 4 weeks ago and struggling
just ordered one of those areogrow things
will keep i touch with progress


Active Member
still tokin yeah u can put them in the ground but when ya do make sure they are sorta concieled so when spotter planes fly over they wont spot ya crop, also make sure ya plants are a good 12-14 inches before u put them in the ground so that they are big enough to half defend for themselves