outdoor season has begun:


Active Member
21 day ago threw some unknown seeds into some fox farms and now i have these lil ladies , 7 days ago I did the same thing into these lil jiffy pots .
I am going to keep them out doors and transplant them into 5 Gal x2, 3 gal x1 and 2 gal x1 , the reason, our orders from better half she doesnt want a ganja forest on our patio in a densely populated area... fair enough... bongsmilie


Doing research now to see if some LST is good for outdoor or not. But will be topping them in a week or so


Well-Known Member
21 day ago threw some unknown seeds into some fox farms and now i have these lil ladies , 7 days ago I did the same thing into these lil jiffy pots .
I am going to keep them out doors and transplant them into 5 Gal x2, 3 gal x1 and 2 gal x1 , the reason, our orders from better half she doesnt want a ganja forest on our patio in a densely populated area... fair enough... bongsmilie

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Doing research now to see if some LST is good for outdoor or not. But will be topping them in a week or so
I believe you can and why not?


Active Member
I LSTd last years outdoor grow...makes for some nice bushes with LOTS of bud sites...

Fair warning though...
1. About 20% will be fluffy buds under the thick canopy you would create (I made hash with said buds)
2. Branches you create into tops will fall over in late flower due to heavy buds...be prepared to stake
3. It is easy to get mold or bugs hiding in such a big bush...be diligent and check your babies daily
4. Make sure your pots are at least 5gal or more..The plants will get big and root binding is very possible ( I recommend smart pots)
5. Be on top of watering...you're increasing surface area which increases water use

Other than that it's a lot of fun and gives you something to do with your plants almost daily (most beginners like this fact)

Good luck and if you have questions ask away!


Active Member
217.jpgthis was last years attempt. no top or pop or LST

I will be staking for sure this time, how should I be looking for bugs, since I alwso grow tomatos and such arent bugs part of it, what specifically

should be on the look out for



Active Member
View attachment 2631395this was last years attempt. no top or pop or LST

I will be staking for sure this time, how should I be looking for bugs, since I alwso grow tomatos and such arent bugs part of it, what specifically

should be on the look out for

That plant still looks good man I'm sure you'll be fine....you grow and you learn....

Just look for leaf damage as usual but pay extra special attention to overlapping leaves and leaves that hit the soil...when you LST you are messing with the way it grows naturally and its easy to get bugs/mold hiding in those places....I LST to maximize my small grows but I would grow 10 foot Christmas tree type plants like yours in ground if I could....the plant knows how to grow naturally to maximize sun exposure...you get perfect buds from bottom to top....when you LST you get about 20% popcorn buds


Active Member
Hiii Bros

im a newbie proper grower but ive grown for fun before i live in Karachi,Pakistan and am a big stoner so i can find local charas seeds or ganja seeds and have been growing em... but since this year i tried to grow 2 - 3 bagseeds of this marijuana my friend got delivered to him in lahore ... here are some pics for u all they have been growing outdoor since 15feb13 at first one of the bigger ones went into flowering but i started putting it in hps floodlights in my terrace so it reverted back to veg and semi-monster cropped the other one was raped by crows so nature topped it after that i stopped supplimentiing with that 150w hps on 15 April and they have started to flower....in the pictures u will see the 2 main plants some local seeds (they all turned out to be male may they r.i.p) my hesi nutrients and my shabby grow area (my terrace) parents are chill.... oh yea and this year they were attacked by leafminers also something in the air in karachi i guess have seen leafminers on other nursery plants too but that was dealt with.This is my first time with pro seeds and pro nutes so i have alot to learn this is also my first time trying to clone cuz i wanted to preserve the gentics

Question Time

I would really love your input on everything the pot sizes my growing ways what i should shouldn't do if any of us have an idea on these strains would help alot any ideas on when it will flower i have to go on vacation in june hope one finishes before....also any of u have experience with Hesi nutes all types of questions and commentary welcomed


The ones to watch out for are the 2 outside strains(non-local or atleast not mine) one that went into flowering and i revegged it cuz i was worried it wasnt big enough and another one with clay pot piece in it and topped early by pesky crows all the other are local seeds from Kohat Pakistan amazing in their own respect but they all turned out to be male so im growing more now...

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Before the end id like to thank all of u without even being a member ive learned alot from you guys just reading over the years and it is because of u guys i had the knowledge and resources to di it thankyou all :) All critisicm is welcome.....


Well-Known Member
I LSTd last years outdoor grow...makes for some nice bushes with LOTS of bud sites...

Fair warning though...
1. About 20% will be fluffy buds under the thick canopy you would create (I made hash with said buds)
2. Branches you create into tops will fall over in late flower due to heavy buds...be prepared to stake
3. It is easy to get mold or bugs hiding in such a big bush...be diligent and check your babies daily
4. Make sure your pots are at least 5gal or more..The plants will get big and root binding is very possible ( I recommend smart pots)
5. Be on top of watering...you're increasing surface area which increases water use

Other than that it's a lot of fun and gives you something to do with your plants almost daily (most beginners like this fact)

Good luck and if you have questions ask away!
There you go!!! Something to do everyday with your plants which IMO you should be checking anyway for rippers..