Outdoor seedling stopped growing ..

Hello everyone!
I got myself some Lowryder auto seeds by Joint Doctor for an outside grow. (Its my first grow btw). I live in Ireland and i heard that Lowryder are pretty hardy and that someone even managed to grow lowryder outdoors in Finland, so i thought i'll give it a go. Anyway.. I germinated em (2 just to start off) and they sprouted. I put em in pots filled with some good compost i have at the house and hid them in my growing spot. The place gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight and should be pretty good. The plants were growing slowly but surely. When they got their cotyledons, one suddenly stopped growing. The other one is going fine. Anyway, as the other plant was already growing its 3rd pair of true leaves, this one only managed to grow one set of tiny 3mm true leaves.. The cotyledons are turning yellow now and the tiny set of true leaves have brown tips. Its been like this for 3 weeks !!! Its crazy. Ive been researching like mad what the problem could be and i got nowhere. The plant stem still looks very healthy. I really dont know what it could be.... any suggestions ? I'll upload a picture soon.

Jah bless


Well-Known Member
Yellow cotydoleons, small leaves..... I guess overwatering, but if it's only one of the plants..... Weird.
Put some pics up. There's many shades of yellow :D
This is just a picture i took with my phone, sorry about the quality... I'll upload a better picture tomorrow which i'll take with a camera. Its just for now like so you guys can have an idea :) Thanks for helping me with this btw !



Ok, im not goin to give them anymore water until the soil really gets dry. Hopefully it'll respond to that... i'll keep yous up to date. I just noticed today that there was white mildew starting to grow on both my plants.. I put a mixture of 1 milk and 9 water on the affected areas. Hopefully that'll get rid of it.


Well-Known Member
it's going to struggle to build any kind of root mass in rich soil. i would transplant to nutrient void soil if you absolutely have to save it.

otherwise i would start again
it's going to struggle to build any kind of root mass in rich soil. i would transplant to nutrient void soil if you absolutely have to save it.

otherwise i would start again

I think its too late now :( The plant is damaged too much. But what i dont get is that the other plant is doing fine in the same soil ? Maybe this plant just wasnt meant to be ^^
Yeah id say your very right about that. My compost probably was way too strong for it :/ I didnt mix soil in with it and the poor thing couldnt handle it. Awell, you learn something new every day.

Thanks for the help and take it easy man :)


Well-Known Member
Ok, im not goin to give them anymore water until the soil really gets dry. Hopefully it'll respond to that... i'll keep yous up to date. I just noticed today that there was white mildew starting to grow on both my plants.. I put a mixture of 1 milk and 9 water on the affected areas. Hopefully that'll get rid of it.
You might take that foil off for a while daily to let air get to the soil also, I didn't see in later pics, but was in your first.
You might take that foil off for a while daily to let air get to the soil also, I didn't see in later pics, but was in your first.
Yeah man, i take it off for a while every day and loosen up the soil. I was just testing if that helps gettin more light to the leaves. I heard somewhere that that helps. Do you think it would be smart putting a worm or 2 in the pot ? ^^
