Outdoor sexing without light regulation


New Member
u dont sex plants any special way bro. after the veg. stage, you look for pistils, which are lil white/clear hairs near the stipules (which are green looking thorns), or it'll be a male and have seed pods which are very obvious to see. either way, you have to wait, u cant just determine super quickly.


Well-Known Member
i know u gotta wait for the light. but for outdoor grows. do u just plant lots of plants and wait for veg hoping that some are female?


New Member
actually ur hoping theyre female not male. if you can plant a lot of plants that's the best, increases ur odds obviously. what iver heard/read is that ppl that grow indoor use 24/0 lighting, but when wanting to change to the flowering stage, ie. the stage where u can determine the sex, the light is changed to 12/12, w. you growing outside, the light will always be 12/12 or even less so that means you will reach the flowering stage very early. my guess is you can tell the sex within 2mon for sure, maybe even 1-1.5months.

im not too sure what you're asking.


Well-Known Member
well in a lot of places. the sunlight (measured from dawn-dusk) is more than 12 hours. So if i plant my plants outside then i wont be able to sex them until the days become 12/12. so do i just plant lots of plants? can i plant a few close to one another and assume that some will be male and thus will have to pull them out?


New Member
i wouldnt really count the hours from dusk to dawn, i mean just bc it's a bit light outside doesn necessarily mean you've got sunlight hitting them. if you got the seeds and they werent super expensive yea grow all of em. go ahead and grow them close so that they all get the same amount of light and will grow at the same rate, that as soon as they do start growing the sex organs, then you can pull the males out. have you thought about cloudy days? i mean, there's really not anywhere in the world that it's just beautiful everyday. if i had to guess, and from what ive read on this site, ppl start flowering as early as 6-8", that's not tall at all. so you can expect to see the sex very soon. just start growing and see what happens. i mean it takes all but a few seconds to see what sex they are once the pistils or seeds pods grow. also, the males do not pollinate the females immediately. i bet you have 1-3 days to get them outta there before they bust a nut on the females.


Well-Known Member
so what would u think would happen here( in hawaii)?

And what if u had good seeds and wanted to grow outdoors, what would u do?


New Member
just start growing you have nothing to lose, im not saying this if you got nosy neighbors, then dont. but everyone tokes in hawaii so i guess the odds of having anal neighbors is small. just go for the glory, no sense in waiting. use the sun while you can. if anything, the 13/11 cycle youre talking about will just induce flowering faster. your plant may not be that tall or yield too much but who cares, it's cheaper bud than buying.