Outdoor Summer Grow In Texas?

I'm in a part of the state that has between 60 - 80% RH and of course daytime temps routinely in the high 90s to low 100s, and occasional spikes to 105+. Can I grow any strains in these conditions? I've done a boatload of study on indoor growing and am in the middle of my first grow, but I have a couple strains that grow very tall and want to grow them outside, but have read weed can't gtake that kind of heat and RH. That just doesn't seem right to me though I thought cannabis grows all over the tropical regions which have high temps and RH also.
Cool, thanks for the reply. I've asked this question on several forums and yours is the only reply. Good luck and please keep me updated. I have a Mekong High that I want to grow outdoor - they get T - A - L - L! I don't really want to bend it over etc. I want to let it grow grow grow, but I'm gonna let it get a foot or two tall before I transplant it. That little sucker was already a little over an inch high only 3 days after it broke the surface!


The heats not a big prob for me right now it gets to 100+ everyday. I have mine in direct sunlight most of the day, it prolly only gets like 3-4 hours indirect and its goin good. I'm just worried about later this summer like late July early august when it's flowering. Any veteran growers out there with tips on how much direct sunlight plants should get? P.s. White Widow North Texas


Active Member
im from north texas also and i know adult pot plants are very hardy and can live for days without water, i wouldnt worry about heat, the only thing id worry about is water....we need rain the ground is very dry and is cracking so just keep it wet


My widow is still doin good in 10 hours direct sunlight. Still in the pot, scared to plant her in the ground. Still not sure if she needs that much intense light during flower. Wish someone could help :/
. . . . Wish someone could help :/
Me too. I've just been keeping mine inside. We've been between 103 - 107 virtually everyday. We hit 109 once. It doesn't bother me at all I'm a native. But I didn't want to take a chance with the girls. The one I wanted most to grow outside is a Mekong High which I've read can reach 15 feet + - but I've just decided to turn her this way and that. I'm fixing to have to start soon too because she's growing inches a day now, leaving the other girls in the dust.

Thanks for updating - maybe we'll get a bite from an experienced Texas grower if we put the thread at the top on occasion.

im from north texas also and i know adult pot plants are very hardy and can live for days without water, i wouldnt worry about heat, the only thing id worry about is water....we need rain the ground is very dry and is cracking so just keep it wet
I missed your post completely. Thanks for the advice, you sound like you've done it before. From your experience are there certain species you wouldn't grow outside? Also, the other thing I was concerned about was the amount of light they get during veg. My handbook says they shouldn't have more than 6 hours darkness in a 24 cycle and that some growers keep them in light 24/7. I've been doing the 24/7 and the plants are thriving. Could you please share some of your experiences? Thanks.



I've done indoor in Cali. Seems a lot easier than outdoor due to the fact that u can control climate and light source. I would do 18 on 6 off during veg and 12/12 during flower. You're gonna really have to do some work bending that one around if u keep her indoor. I would have 6 footers and that was some work.


Active Member
Cool, thanks for the reply. I've asked this question on several forums and yours is the only reply. Good luck and please keep me updated. I have a Mekong High that I want to grow outdoor - they get T - A - L - L! I don't really want to bend it over etc. I want to let it grow grow grow, but I'm gonna let it get a foot or two tall before I transplant it. That little sucker was already a little over an inch high only 3 days after it broke the surface!
Mekong Haze or High? I'm not familiar with the latter, but if it's like Mekong Haze, that motherfucker will thrive. That shit is Cambodian or a similar region I do believe. You won't have a problem as long as you have water.


Well-Known Member
4-5 hours of direct sunlight would be ok, i think anything longer in those temps will probably burn it... i lost one when a long heat wave came in, it was extremely hot!

The heats not a big prob for me right now it gets to 100+ everyday. I have mine in direct sunlight most of the day, it prolly only gets like 3-4 hours indirect and its goin good. I'm just worried about later this summer like late July early august when it's flowering. Any veteran growers out there with tips on how much direct sunlight plants should get? P.s. White Widow North Texas


Afghani will grow just fine here in Texas (Central Texas Full sunlight) just make sure and keep them watered and if Guerilla grow consider some DriWater packs in case you are not able to visit the grow on schedule for some reason. I will be trying some Early Wonder Skunk this yr (Auto Flower) and some Kosher Kush I will update forums later on how they are doing in the heat and full sun.