Outdoor to Indoor?


Active Member
I have 15 Beautiful 3 foot plants that were in a greenhouse, but I had to "get rid of them" so for right now there hiding here in by bedroom with me until I find them a new home. I have an empty two car garage. So my question for all of you fine growers out there is, do you have any suggestions or tips for converting a greenhouse crop into and indoor one. the plants are one week into flowering, and so far I have one 1000 watt hps one 6 foot track lots of fans.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi Rossin

picture please... sounds like you have a good problem... using 1000 watt bulb is your best choice.. osund slike yo have the problem under control....

---love first, safety second....

BTW - make sure your plants get 12 hours of UNINTERUPTED darkness every 24 hours.. light leaks could cause MAJOR problems.



Well-Known Member
You Never Ever Want To Bring Your Outdoor Plants Inside. Theres A Lot Of Problems That Are Outdoor That You Could Drag Inside With You. It Is Not Worth The Trouble, Get Some Seeds And Start Over Inside.


Well-Known Member
I have brought outdoor plants inside before. Give them a good spraying for bugs first.


New Member
Sorry but im kinda in the same predicament..... I was wondering if I can Move 5 plants that are a month old outside... I realized that I wouldnt have to be as stealth outside as im in and that it is now spring and in April I was gonna move them outside but I wanted to see some opinions and facts...thanks guys check my grow out!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry but im kinda in the same predicament..... I was wondering if I can Move 5 plants that are a month old outside... I realized that I wouldnt have to be as stealth outside as im in and that it is now spring and in April I was gonna move them outside but I wanted to see some opinions and facts...thanks guys check my grow out!!!!
i dont even know but those babies look so beautiful i might throw 15 oustide!!! :bigjoint::bigjoint:


Active Member
well your plants look really good to give up on so....well just think when does the sun come up at....at that time turn on the 1000 watter for 12 hours and 12 hours off for a few days and flush it and baaam harvest time...have confidince in your plants...:bigjoint:


Active Member
I had three plants on my porch all summer and I just moved them inside under a 600 W HPS. They seem to be doing fine.