Outdoor to indoor?

I had to throw my plants out and didn't even put them in ground , just threw them on side of road . Went back 4 weeks later an 1 had survived and was even vertical . Then brought it inside since the heat was off and she's doing great and just started flowering so i don't see a problem with outdoor to indoor . Just remember ther will be loads of beastiez on it so use a decent insecticide . Enjoy ur puff and ur smoking cousins in bonnie scotland wish u well .


I had mine indoor but the temps got too high (100+) and i had to bring mine outside. They went from yellowing and dying from heat stress to happy and healty in about a week.

When the sun starts to go down it goes back inside for the night. 24/0 for veg.


it is perfectly fine to bring them inside from out but you have to ask yourself... why? and... how long? usually the only reson you would want to do that is because of to much frost or snow or sumthin and if thats the case youll just have to finish them inside which is ok as long as you get the lighting right
I had to throw my plants out and didn't even put them in ground , just threw them on side of road . Went back 4 weeks later an 1 had survived and was even vertical . Then brought it inside since the heat was off and she's doing great and just started flowering so i don't see a problem with outdoor to indoor . Just remember ther will be loads of beastiez on it so use a decent insecticide . Enjoy ur puff and ur smoking cousins in bonnie scotland wish u well .
damn so basically marijuana is a very versatile plant that can survive almost any condition? that what you sayin?

lol i like that phrase you used "Enjoy ur puff and ur smoking cousins in bonnie scotland wish u well."