Outdoor troublez


Well-Known Member
In the last picture I see a white hair, which is an indicator it is a female! As for the bark looking stem... No idea, kind of new to this. But is does look kind of treeish :P
Ok, i dont get it. What ever is happening to my main stem and branches I would like to know. it seems to be taking over the sex parts, and is rising up the plant. My two girls look healthy from the outside, but when you look into it you see its flaws.
The more I read into calyx/pistil formation, the more I want to rip my eyes out. I notice my calyx dying, showing a tiny hair, hair turns color and dissipears. There is two calyx on each node??? Some have one.
some are popped or ripped open.

I found this bug which took me a week to indentify; wooly aphid. I found just a few on both. I treated my girls with NEEM oil every other day for the past 7 days. Could this be the cause??.



Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Does barking, mean destroying whats in its wake?? Lol
Yes, there wont be any calyx's in barked areas. When you cut them this fall you will see the area on the inside has become wood and dense. Unless a branch gets heavy and breaks then youll see it sooner.
Ive seen it, looks like a wood coating around a wet green stem. So one last question about the barking, will there be any calyx left on it to bloom??? Or will the side branches/bud branches, be kept safe from the bark??


Well-Known Member
Those are not the calyx's to be concerned with. It's your tops and shoots that form flowers.

charles lewis

Well-Known Member
dont worry so much. looks at lil strange but the outside gettin bark is normal just as any other tree. leafs look great so chill out on that, just take care of them bugs. here what mine look likeDSCN0465.jpgDSCN0463.jpgDSCN0464.jpg