Outdoor Veg to keep moms alive?


Active Member
Say I live in a very hot environment and its pretty much sunny here all year round. I have a grow tent inside homebox L and I have a smaller closet that I use for clones. I was wondering if I can veg plants outside almost year round and take cuttings on like lets say two moms outside vegging is this possible?


Well-Known Member
Interesting question. Is marijuana an actual annual, or can it be manipulated outdoors into rejuvenation, an thus, pseudo-perennial? I dunno. Something kills annuals not exposed to frost?
I'll be watchin' this one.


Active Member
Well outside wouldn't be the permanent storage place for the moms. I wouldnt place them outside now I would wait until around first of November to put them outside that way they wouldn't flower.


Well-Known Member
Another case of me not reading the thread thru, oops. While your question is a bit confusing, I don't see why what you seem to be asking wouldn't work.