Outdoor Washington State grow

This year will be my first attempt at outdoor growing. I live in Washington state, and was wondering if any other Washington area growers know what kind of pests attack buds around here?

Obviously deer etc will be an issue, I am going to purchase chicken wire and a mosquito net with bamboo sticks to keep moths/other insects out. Do I need to worry about any catepillars or buying some Bacillus thuringiensis (BT)

I plan on having 2-4 plants in 50+ gallon pots, seeds will be bagseed but should be dank.

Still need to figure out soil mix, but my main concern is pest control. I just want to avoid mishaps before they happen and since this will be my first outdoor grow I wanna do it right the first time.

any tips are greatly appreciated

also I am assuming I should bring my plants out around end of april early may? I am going to sprout them and veg them for a little while indoors so they have better chances outside.


Well-Known Member
Mites, thrips, leafhoppers, aphids, cutworms, some catapillars..Powdery mildew..slugs... General NW stuff..


Well-Known Member
BTi from beginning and azamax. Watch the freakin powdery mildew and knock it out fast.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure you wanna do bagseed? If youre unsure of the genetics it could have a longer flowering time than your climate allows for and you could hit some rot issues at the end. You could get some feminized beans of a shorter finishing strain online for less than $100. Good luck either way.


Well-Known Member
go to a grow shop ask for something to kill everything outdoors and go with happy frog, ocean forest for bloom. turn the soil first and remove it and replace with the soil of choice. WA has such fucked soil. i lived in spokane for a bit, 75% of washington looks like a desert.
Are you sure you wanna do bagseed? If youre unsure of the genetics it could have a longer flowering time than your climate allows for and you could hit some rot issues at the end. You could get some feminized beans of a shorter finishing strain online for less than $100. Good luck either way.
Only route I can go atm, I don't have enough cash to invest in seeds and would rather put money towards soil, nutes, and pest control. Hopefully they turn out females! and can withstand Washington climate.. guess we will find out lol.

BTi from beginning and azamax. Watch the freakin powdery mildew and knock it out fast.
what is powdey mildew :O doesn't sound too good.

go to a grow shop ask for something to kill everything outdoors and go with happy frog, ocean forest for bloom. turn the soil first and remove it and replace with the soil of choice. WA has such fucked soil. i lived in spokane for a bit, 75% of washington looks like a desert.
when you say turn the soil, does that mean take the soil from the bottom of the bag? sorry, new to all this.

Ronald Dregan

Active Member
on the west side of the state watch out for slugs. they are all over and will kill small plants in one day. and I would put them out closer to the end of may


Well-Known Member
Hey Captain..I'm right across the river in Oregon. But I'm north Central in The Gorge. I've been growing for a number of years and have had 1 years where PM was a problem and Neem Oil cured it easily. I've also had to use tents one or two years when rains came early. Look for early finishers like late Sept-early Oct. Also if you are only growing 2-4 plants go with clones, you have a head start that way and plant them around mid-May. If you need some help locating stuff PM me.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Since light is the key to flowering, unless you are growing a strain that is auto, IMO, why does it matter if you start your plant sooner than later? Veg is veg, and flower is flower. If you are growing a strain like I am, where the plant can grow up to 15 feet tall (or higher), I started her in the middle of June and she is 6 1/2 feet tall right now, with buds maturing nicely. If I would have started in June, she would be twice this size unless I topped the shit out of her. My only problem with this strain is the flowering time is longer than my last grow outside, so I'll be cutting around the end of October. I also grow inside in the winter, so I have years of experience with indoor and outdoor.