outdoor winter bagseed grow inFl


my little baby bagseed plants in fl they are like 2 weeks now i have them under a fish tank thing bc of thunderstorms any tips for winter bagseed grow? how long until they flower what yeild will i get if they are female per plant?



Well-Known Member
sounds like you're setting up for disappointment but yeah its your choice and what not. my philosophy is do it right or dont do it..:lol:


Well-Known Member
They will start flowering as soon as they can. prob like the 4th true nod. we had 10h 23m 25s of day light today so flowering is in full effect. You will get a bit of sweet goodness if you move into like a 3 gallon pot.


Well-Known Member
Try not to over water and get some neem oil or some pest repellent. Bugs are a bitch. I say just let it go just the way it is. no need to top or trim any bottom leaves. Any and all plant matter is good for late season grows.

the russian man

Active Member
im growing 11 ladies aswell they are on the 2nd week of flowering, resin is fucking everywhere i moved them into 10 gallon pots, i have like 2 or 3 plants in 1 pot and they are all lookin healthy and green and still thriving, KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE WEATHER CHANNEL best advice i can give you, if the nights get below 50s take em inside.. they wont grow very big my tallest are like 1 1/2ft tall and i started in november also give em some nutes and water em from time to time and let the nature do its magical thing all by itself.

here are some pics, they are random theres a pic of the ldies when they just started and how they are now, some bud porn also enjoy! btw its all organic



Well-Known Member
Seeing that florida is one of the least optimal places to grow outdoors, I love seeing fellow growers trying to get r done out here. Right now im vegging indoors till about april then out they are going, White Widow X Big Bud, Big Bomb#1 x Big Bud, and Afghan Goo.


thanks to all you guys yalls look and came out nice ill defently post more pics when i transplant then into bigger pots or the ground, or maybe this screen covered garden i have but i wat maximum sunlight


Active Member
Hmmm, Not bad at all for what it is :)
I wish I could grow outdoors right now. But it was 28 degrees yesterday.


i just germinated a few seeds and going to put them out side in a few days. lol i'm a little late but honestly it doesn't get very cold at all in south Florida highs of 80 lows at like 64 so im going to give it a shot just to learn before march. they are a bunch of seeds my budy gave me he said they are good mids do u think ill get anything ?


Well-Known Member
i just germinated a few seeds and going to put them out side in a few days. lol i'm a little late but honestly it doesn't get very cold at all in south Florida highs of 80 lows at like 64 so im going to give it a shot just to learn before march. they are a bunch of seeds my budy gave me he said they are good mids do u think ill get anything ?
Of course you can! Couldn't tell you how much but you can definitely do it!